Scared out of my mind

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    My youngest seems to have caught COVID. They work retail and we’ve been very diligent in trying to manage, but they still contracted it. They are 20 years old. Fever, but no serious respiratory stuff. They get tested tomorrow as the testing center for our county is only open 7-4…

    I’m shook.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    Sorry to hear that, and good luck with it Mack…please keep us informed.


    Yeah, like zn said, keep us updated.



    Well, WE both got tested today as last night, I had the body aches, sore and raspy throat (feels like I’ve been shouting all night).

    I had occasion to talk with my Neuro earlier today, and based on my symptoms they told me to assume I had COVID and isolate.

    So my NB and I are isolating separately and the wife is rolling up her sleeves to do a lot of the lifting over the next week or so if we get worse.

    I’m far less scared about my youngest now. I’ve had a chance to process that immediate fear and realize that they have no co-morbidities, are young, healthy and in a good situation.

    I’m just hoping this goes easy on me, presuming I’m positive.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    I’m just hoping this goes easy on me, presuming I’m positive.

    Good luck to you old friend. Our thoughts will be with you. Hang in there and keep us updated.



    You will not leave my mind until I hear you are okay.


    I’m just hoping this goes easy on me, presuming I’m positive.

    Good luck, Mac. I hope everything goes well.


    nittany ram

    Holy f***. Good luck with that, Mac.


    GOOD NEWS!!!

    I am negative for COVID!

    Still having symptoms of…well…something, but it’s not COVID.

    Thank everyone for their concern. I really do appreciate it.

    Still gonna isolate until the symptoms abate to be safe, but yeah, I’m that asshole who got a summer cold during COVID, it seems…

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    GOOD NEWS!!!

    I am negative for COVID!

    Still having symptoms of…well…something, but it’s not COVID.

    Thank everyone for their concern. I really do appreciate it.

    Still gonna isolate until the symptoms abate to be safe, but yeah, I’m that asshole who got a summer cold during COVID, it seems…

    Good for you Mack. Glad to hear it.

    But don’t downplay colds. Word is, once you get one, you keep getting them for the rest of your life. It adds up. The money spent on Dayquill alone over the years sends most household budgets into tailspins.



    That’s okay… I’m fully stocked on essential oils… /s

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    I don’t have a counterargument. I’m forced to admit that that IS good news.

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