Werner Herzog: ‘read everything…’

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    Werner Herzog: “I’m Fascinated by Trash TV. The Poet Must Not Avert His Eyes”
    At 77 and holed up in lockdown, the veteran director and latterday actor shows no signs of slowing down or accepting any limitations.

    “…Ideally, he would be out on a shoot right now. Until then there are books. Herzog reads voraciously; he says that all the good directors do. It doesn’t even have to be great literature. His friend, the documentary maker Errol Morris, recently recommended that he read a real piece of crap. “It was a bad book by a failed lion tamer. His arm was bitten off by a lion. He wrote with the other arm. And it’s a wonderful book to read because you have to comb the content against the texture and it gives you fabulous insights into human nature. It is the same with trash movies, trash TV. WrestleMania. The Kardashians. I’m fascinated by it. So I don’t say read Tolstoy and nothing else. Read everything. See everything. The poet must not avert his eyes.”….”

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