1 guy’s idea of the 40 worst team nicknames

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    from https://athlonsports.com/overtime/40-truly-weirdest-team-nicknames-sports

    1. Jordan (Utah) Beetdiggers
    This nickname inspires fear. If you’re a beet.

    2. Conway (Ark.) Wampus Cats
    A Wampus cat is a fearsome creature from folklore. Doesn’t stop it from sounding stupid.

    3. Camas (Wash.) Papermakers
    4. Kimberly (Wis.) Papermakers
    Maybe they can get Dunder-Mifflin to sponsor their uniforms.

    5. Badger (Wis.) Badgers
    The Badger Badgers? Too bad Duany Duany, Longar Longar and Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje didn’t play there.

    6. Newburgh Free Academy (NY) Goldbacks
    Anything with “backs” attached to the end seems like a slur.

    7. Butte (Idaho) Pirates
    No comment.

    8. Grafton/St. Thomas (ND) Spoilers
    Isn’t the nickname “Spoilers” a concession that you suck and can only hope to spoil a good team’s season?

    9. Mt. Pleasant (RI) Kilties
    They’ve managed to take the word “kilt” and make it even more effeminate.

    10. Bellows Free Academy (Vt.) Bobwhites
    A bobwhite is a quail that is commonly killed and consumed. Doesn’t even have much meat on it.

    11. Cairo (Ga.) Syrupmakers
    Sweet and sticky are not adjectives I want applied to my football team.

    12. Red Bank Catholic (NJ) Caseys
    The school took its nickname from a former Monsignor. It makes me think of Casey Anthony. Or Kasey Kasem.

    13. Glenville (Ohio) Tarblooders
    A tarblooder was apparently a railroad worker who laid ties and cemented them with tar. When you have to explain it, it loses some impact.

    14. Austin Westlake (Texas) Chaparrals
    They’re called the “Chaps” for short. Wonder if they’re assless.

    15. Dunbar (Md.) Poets
    It’s a nod to the school’s namesake, but Poets? Aren’t they the guys the football players should be pummeling?

    16. Mt. Clemens (Mich.) Battling Bathers
    Not sure you want to combine football and bath time in your nickname.

    17. St. Mary’s Prep (Mich.) Eaglets
    18. Rockhurst (Mo.) Hawklets
    Baby birds, even eagles and hawks, don’t exactly inspire fear. Hell, they can’t even fly.

    19. North Little Rock Charging Wildcats
    Adding “Charging” seems like overkill. And is a Wildcat really known for charging?

    20. Salesianum School (Del.) Sallies
    This simply can’t be real, can it? Was Nancies already taken?

    21. Punahou (Hawaii) Buffanblu
    It’s not some native Hawaiian bird of prey or anything. Believe it or not, this nickname comes from the school’s colors: buff and blue.

    22. Shelley (Idaho) Russets
    Yes, Idaho is known for potatoes. Doesn’t mean you have to incorporate it into your nickname. Would be like calling a Chicago team “the Gang-Related Murders.”

    23. Watersmeet (Mich.) Nimrods
    In the Bible, Nimrod was a mighty hunter. Nobody knows their Bible anymore. Today, a nimrod is merely a moron.

    24. Orofino (Idaho) Maniacs
    Many think that the team was named for the local mental hospital. Unfortunately, that’s not true. It was merely the frenetic style of play the hoops team used to be known for.

    25. Teutopolis (Ill.) Wooden Shoes
    They’re particularly loud on the basketball court. But slow.

    26. Chattanooga (Tenn.) Central Purple Pounders
    Sounds like a prison team.

    27. Mars Area (Pa.) Fighting Planets
    Sort of a “War of the Worlds” theme.

    28. Beaver (Okla.) Dusters
    A Beaver Duster sounds like something you’d order online. On a secure site.

    29. Yuma (Ariz.) Criminals
    I hope this isn’t truth in advertising.

    30. Freeburg (Ill.) Midgets
    Surprised that the little people lobby hasn’t gotten hold of this one.

    31. Webster University Gorloks
    The students at Webster came up with this one. Sounds like a Lord of the Rings character.

    32. UC Santa Cruz Banana Slugs
    Big, slimy and disgusting. Kind of like a pregnant Kardashian sister.

    33. Columbia College Fighting Koalas
    Putting “fighting” in front of an adorable, cuddly creature like a koala doesn’t make it any scarier.

    34. Presbyterian Blue Hose
    I guess it’s better than the Presbyterian Depressed Prostitutes.

    35. Scottsdale Community College Fighting Artichokes
    Ridiculous. Everyone knows artichokes are peaceful vegetables.

    36. Rhode Island School of Design Nads
    Yes, it’s a joke, right down to the anatomically correct mascot and the “Go, Nads!” cheer.

    37. Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs
    I’d avoid the hot dogs at the ballpark.

    38. Savannah Sand Gnats
    Annoying sand-based insects are an overlooked genre for mascots.

    39. Montgomery Biscuits
    Hot, buttery and delicious. Paula Deen’s favorite team.

    40. Hillhouse (Conn.) Academics
    I guess it’s one way to flip the saying, “They’re known for academics.”

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