‘you villains all, you hellish drones’

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  • #116429

    I’m reading Love and Capital,
    by Mary Gabriel. Its about Karl Marx and his wife and his family.
    I’m enjoying it. Gabriel has a way of reducing Marx’s wordy-thots into hack-sized nuggets.

    “Word arrived of an uprising in the Prussian region of Silesia. For the likes of Marx and the workers in Paris this was electrifying as a portent of what was to come.
    On June 4th 1844, driven mad by their misery, a group of weavers marched on the home of a pair of Prussian industrialist brothers, demanding higher pay, and singing, “You villains all, You hellish drones / You knaves in Satan’s raiment!/ You gobble all the poor man owns / Our curses be your payment!”
    The protestors were beyond desperate, beyond furious. Men, women and children had been subjected to such low wages that some of the workers had starved. Their demands denied, the enraged weavers stormed the house and destroyed it….”
    Love And Capital, by Mary Gabriel

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