Churchill, Media, Race

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    The media cant stand it when this comes out:


    Interesting video.

    Several thoughts come to mind:

    1. The pernicious effects of the “Great Man Theory” of history, which permeate the West . . . Made me think of how all too many Americans are kewl with billionaires making their billions, cuz they supposedly did everything themselves, no help, and there wouldn’t supposedly be this or that innovation if not for these individuals.

    2. Of course, just as with Churchill, they’re nothing without millions upon millions of other human beings, their work and sacrifices, in the present and generations into the past, plus public infrastructure, etc. etc.

    3. If it hadn’t been (extremely conservative) Churchill, it would have been any numbers of other leaders. And without the countless men, women children, etc. etc. . . . and on and on.

    4. The brave soul going up against those yahoos didn’t really have a chance to mention the Late Victorian Holocausts, which may have shut them up, after they laughed at the mention of Marxism. Just in India, Nepal and China alone, the Brits — and a few other “Great Powers” — were responsible for killing roughly 90 million people there in the late 1800s and early 1900s, in the name of profits/colonialism. Throw in genocide in Ireland, the Americas, Africa, Southeast Asia, etc. etc. . . and it dwarfs anything they could claim happened because of “Marxism,” which has to be about the most misunderstood word to this day.

    5. If a present-day Marxist can be automatically condemned, out of hand, because of past perversions and distortions of its radically diverse philosophy/sources, then anyone who claims to be a Christian in the present should be “damned” for the Inquisition, the Crusades, the mass destruction of pagan literature, art, architecture, and the countless lives killed under its banner.

    . . . for starters.


    I don’t get why they think it can’t be both. Yes Churchill was a great war leader, but he was also an appallingly racist man, and his policies reflected it.

    Sometimes some people forget that the minute the war was over, the Brits dumped him.

    From the wiki:

    The final result of the [1945 post-war] election showed Labour to have won a landslide victory, making a net gain of 239 seats and winning 47.7%, thus allowing Attlee to be appointed Prime Minister. For the Conservatives, the Labour victory was a shock, as they suffered a net loss of 189 seats despite winning 36.2% of the vote, having campaigned on the mistaken belief that Churchill would win on his post-wartime status. The election was the first in which Labour won a majority, and allowed Attlee to begin implementing the party’s postwar reforms for the country. The national swing to their party from the Conservatives of 10.7% is the largest ever seen in a general election within the United Kingdom.


    I don’t get why they think it can’t be both. Yes Churchill was a great war leader, but he was also an appallingly racist man, and his policies reflected it.

    Sometimes some people forget that the minute the war was over, the Brits dumped him.

    From the wiki:

    The final result of the [1945 post-war] election showed Labour to have won a landslide victory, making a net gain of 239 seats and winning 47.7%, thus allowing Attlee to be appointed Prime Minister. For the Conservatives, the Labour victory was a shock, as they suffered a net loss of 189 seats despite winning 36.2% of the vote, having campaigned on the mistaken belief that Churchill would win on his post-wartime status. The election was the first in which Labour won a majority, and allowed Attlee to begin implementing the party’s postwar reforms for the country. The national swing to their party from the Conservatives of 10.7% is the largest ever seen in a general election within the United Kingdom.


    Agree, he was both. But the media dont want to hear about both. Only half.

    Like the Flag. Ya know, like it can mean Imperialism, Ethnic Cleansing, Wage-Slavery…and Pie.


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