Leftists radicals or white supremasists

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  • #115485

    Governor of Minn. says the trouble makers are white supremasists stirring up trouble. Barr(US Dept of Justice) says its leftist radicals that’s responsible. I suspect there is both but also another group: college young adults just out to be part of the excitement.


    Governor of Minn. says the trouble makers are white supremasists stirring up trouble. Barr(US Dept of Justice) says its leftist radicals that’s responsible. I suspect there is both but also another group: college young adults just out to be part of the excitement.

    In the history of Anerican popular violence, there are far more times where leftists are deliberately falsely accused of organized and plotted agitation than there are times when it actually happened.

    Meanwhile most terrorist incidents in the USA are committed by far right extremists.

    The administration in Washington, of course, is going to frame it whatever way serves their ideological interests.







    Joy Reid@JoyAnnReid
    There has been zero evidence presented by AG William Barr or Donald Trump that “left wing,” anti-fascist (that’s literally what “antifa” is short for) are targeting or attacking black communities in Minneapolis or anywhere. And officials there SAID it is WHITE NATIONALISTS.


    Joy Reid@JoyAnnReid
    There has been zero evidence presented by AG William Barr or Donald Trump that “left wing,” anti-fascist (that’s literally what “antifa” is short for) are targeting or attacking black communities in Minneapolis or anywhere. And officials there SAID it is WHITE NATIONALISTS.

    This is not a time for presenting evidence. Authorities have been investigating and have provided opinions. Having said that I cannot imagine that the ones who want civil disobedience are ONLY white nationalists and I’m sure there are far left radicals amongst these people as well with the same goals in mind. Then add in the white college students who simply want to rage against the machine and you have quite the cocktail.


    I’m not interested in getting a statistical breakdown of who did what, for what reason.

    There could be leftists, white nationalists, and selfish chaos-lovers in any kind of blend, and the bottom line is this:

    Our police departments need reform, and the police must be held accountable for their actions.

    The rest of it is ideological tug-of-war.


    I’m not interested in getting a statistical breakdown of who did what, for what reason.

    There could be leftists, white nationalists, and selfish chaos-lovers in any kind of blend, and the bottom line is this:

    Our police departments need reform, and the police must be held accountable for their actions.

    The rest of it is ideological tug-of-war.

    Reform won’t come tonight. Right now the anarchists must be stopped. And don’t fool yourself this has nothing at all to do with the death of Floyd. The genuine “protests” have ended. It’s now about hoodlums and thugs. Simple. If you think otherwise your hiding behind an agenda. And don’t think I don’t believe there is police reform desperately needed or I don’t believe that the police must be held accountable. But this-what your watching tonight-has zilch to do with that.


    I’m not interested in getting a statistical breakdown of who did what, for what reason.

    There could be leftists, white nationalists, and selfish chaos-lovers in any kind of blend, and the bottom line is this:

    Our police departments need reform, and the police must be held accountable for their actions.

    The rest of it is ideological tug-of-war.

    Reform won’t come tonight. Right now the anarchists must be stopped. And don’t fool yourself this has nothing at all to do with the death of Floyd. The genuine “protests” have ended. It’s now about hoodlums and thugs. Simple. If you think otherwise your hiding behind an agenda. And don’t think I don’t believe there is police reform desperately needed or I don’t believe that the police must be held accountable. But this-what your watching tonight-has zilch to do with that.

    W–that is quite simply not true. Like saying 2 plus 2 = 7 not true. The protests have NOT stopped. They’re everywhere and all over twitter.

    The idea that it’s all thugs etc. is you buying the tv narrative I warned about.

    I know people who are planning the protests in Portland. I am in contact with people who are in the protests in LA. It goes on and on beyond that.

    There are protests, lots of them, and they’re huge and ongoing. It’s all over the country.

    They aren’t showing all of it are they.

    The fear narrative you were worried about? You’re buying into it. But it is FAR from the whole story. The thugs haven’t taken over. Your fear of it being thugs has taken over.

    I cannot imagine that the ones who want civil disobedience are ONLY white nationalists and I’m sure there are far left radicals amongst these people as well with the same goals in mind.

    Of course you can’t imagine otherwise and of course you’re sure of that. Cause–this is about perceptions.

    But it;s also a fact in the USA: our history is, blaming left radicals for violence in the USA has happened a LOT more than actual violence by left radicals. This is an old old story.








    I’m not interested in getting a statistical breakdown of who did what, for what reason.

    There could be leftists, white nationalists, and selfish chaos-lovers in any kind of blend, and the bottom line is this:

    Our police departments need reform, and the police must be held accountable for their actions.

    The rest of it is ideological tug-of-war.

    yeah. and the people responsible are in the minority. most people are peacefully demonstrating.


    yeah. and the people responsible are in the minority. most people are peacefully demonstrating.



    I’m not interested in getting a statistical breakdown of who did what, for what reason.

    There could be leftists, white nationalists, and selfish chaos-lovers in any kind of blend, and the bottom line is this:

    Our police departments need reform, and the police must be held accountable for their actions.

    The rest of it is ideological tug-of-war.

    Reform won’t come tonight. Right now the anarchists must be stopped. And don’t fool yourself this has nothing at all to do with the death of Floyd. The genuine “protests” have ended. It’s now about hoodlums and thugs. Simple. If you think otherwise your hiding behind an agenda. And don’t think I don’t believe there is police reform desperately needed or I don’t believe that the police must be held accountable. But this-what your watching tonight-has zilch to do with that.

    W–that is quite simply not true. Like saying 2 plus 2 = 7 not true. The protests have NOT stopped. They’re everywhere and all over twitter.

    The idea that it’s all thugs etc. is you buying the tv narrative I warned about.

    I know people who are planning the protests in Portland. I am in contact with people who are in the protests in LA. It goes on and on beyond that.

    There are protests, lots of them, and they’re huge and ongoing. It’s all over the country.

    They aren’t showing all of it are they.

    The fear narrative you were worried about? You’re buying into it. But it is FAR from the whole story. The thugs haven’t taken over. Your fear of it being thugs has taken over.

    I cannot imagine that the ones who want civil disobedience are ONLY white nationalists and I’m sure there are far left radicals amongst these people as well with the same goals in mind.

    Of course you can’t imagine otherwise and of course you’re sure of that. Cause–this is about perceptions.

    But it;s also a fact in the USA: our history is, blaming left radicals for violence in the USA has happened a LOT more than actual violence by left radicals. This is an old old story.

    I’m watching most of what’s happening in So Cal. There are no “protests” going on and that is confirmed by not only what is being shown but what the mayors of L.A., Beverly Hills, etc. are stating. It is simply looting, throwing bricks, concrete, bottles of water, fireworks, at police and setting on fire stores, cars (not just police vehicles), etc. There were peaceful protests for a good part of the day. But that all changed when those people left and the evening approached. Now it’s just thuggery. Furthermore I have heard the same from the mayors of the involved cities in Georgia, Chicago, and especially New York. Yes, there too the protests were peaceful during the day. Not now-different crowds.


    I’m watching most of what’s happening in So Cal.

    No you’re not watching them W. You’re watching what tv shows you about them.

    I know some people IN those protests in southern cal who are posting in Facebook and in twitter about them. The word is always the same–it’s peaceful until the police show up and try to shut them down with violence. Sometimes elements of the crowd react violently to that.

    Police over-reacting? Isn’t that what we should expect in LA by now?

    And I just posted a series of images/vids from peaceful protests all over. Some with the police joining in. Normally most people will tell you, I don’t get fooled by tv. Well, in my experience, the truth is most do, in spite of what they say.

    There are all sorts of things going on right now and this is not a time to reduce everything to a one-note narrative. What you fear might be happening IS one of the things that’s happening. But it is false–false, as in 3 + 3 = 2 false–to act like it all reduces to just one story.

    Yes there are peaceful protests going on. Yes the police are causing trouble all on their own unprovoked in a lot of cases. That’s all true too.


    I’m watching most of what’s happening in So Cal.

    No you’re not watching them W. You’re watching what tv shows you about them.

    I know some people IN those protests in southern cal who are posting in Facebook and in twitter about them. The word is always the same–it’s peaceful until the police show up and try to shut them down with violence. Sometimes elements of the crowd react violently to that.

    Police over-reacting? Isn’t that what we should expect in LA by now?

    And I just posted a series of images/vids from peaceful protests all over. Some with the police joining in. Normally most people will tell you, I don’t get fooled by tv. Well, in my experience, the truth is most do, in spite of what they say.

    There are all sorts of things going on right now and this is not a time to reduce everything to a one-note narrative. What you fear might be happening IS one of the things that’s happening. But it is false–false, as in 3 + 3 = 2 false–to act like it all reduces to just one story.

    Yes there are peaceful protests going on. Yes the police are causing trouble all on their own unprovoked in a lot of cases. That’s all true too.

    Facebook and Twitter. That’s how you are so well informed on this ? I suggest you see for your own eyes and then listen to the mayors, police chiefs, fire dept officials, reporters on the scene from a variety of sources-and to be honest I don’t see how you can do that unless you turn on a television. If you want to stick with face book and twitter-fine.


    I’m watching most of what’s happening in So Cal.

    No you’re not watching them W. You’re watching what tv shows you about them.

    I know some people IN those protests in southern cal who are posting in Facebook and in twitter about them. The word is always the same–it’s peaceful until the police show up and try to shut them down with violence. Sometimes elements of the crowd react violently to that.

    Police over-reacting? Isn’t that what we should expect in LA by now?

    And I just posted a series of images/vids from peaceful protests all over. Some with the police joining in. Normally most people will tell you, I don’t get fooled by tv. Well, in my experience, the truth is most do, in spite of what they say.

    There are all sorts of things going on right now and this is not a time to reduce everything to a one-note narrative. What you fear might be happening IS one of the things that’s happening. But it is false–false, as in 3 + 3 = 2 false–to act like it all reduces to just one story.

    Yes there are peaceful protests going on. Yes the police are causing trouble all on their own unprovoked in a lot of cases. That’s all true too.

    Did you by any chance decide to watch or at least listen to Keisha Lance Bottoms the African American mayor of Atlanta when she addressed the public last night? I asked you to do so. She said “this is no longer a protest. This is chaos ” Same with the mayor of Minneapolis, St. Paul, New York, Los Angeles, and so on. Their message was all the same. This is no longer peaceful protests. It is anarchists who simply want to do civil unrest. At some point one has to ask are they all lying ? And why would they?


    I’m watching most of what’s happening in So Cal.

    No you’re not watching them W. You’re watching what tv shows you about them.

    I know some people IN those protests in southern cal who are posting in Facebook and in twitter about them. The word is always the same–it’s peaceful until the police show up and try to shut them down with violence. Sometimes elements of the crowd react violently to that.

    Police over-reacting? Isn’t that what we should expect in LA by now?

    And I just posted a series of images/vids from peaceful protests all over. Some with the police joining in. Normally most people will tell you, I don’t get fooled by tv. Well, in my experience, the truth is most do, in spite of what they say.

    There are all sorts of things going on right now and this is not a time to reduce everything to a one-note narrative. What you fear might be happening IS one of the things that’s happening. But it is false–false, as in 3 + 3 = 2 false–to act like it all reduces to just one story.

    Yes there are peaceful protests going on. Yes the police are causing trouble all on their own unprovoked in a lot of cases. That’s all true too.

    Facebook and Twitter. That’s how you are so well informed on this ? I suggest you see for your own eyes and then listen to the mayors, police chiefs, fire dept officials, reporters on the scene from a variety of sources-and to be honest I don’t see how you can do that unless you turn on a television. If you want to stick with face book and twitter-fine.

    I’m watching store after store, after store in areas all over So Cal that are being either on fire or being looted from inexpensive to the elegant stores in Beverly Hills. I have not seen anything like this since Rodney King. This is not democracy. This is anarchy. During the day it was not like this. It was peaceful and impressive.


    it has escalated rather quickly. the national guard is being sent to los angeles.

    but the majority of protesters during the day were peaceful. it’s now degenerated into lunacy.

    where i am is relatively peaceful. but downtown and central la. it’s just chaos. most parts of la county are ok though.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by InvaderRam.

    let me say this again though. all four officers need to be brought to justice.

    if not. this will be nothing compared to what’s to come.


    there needs to be reform. law enforcement reform has to happen. it has to happen.

    and again. while there is chaos. most of the people involved in the protesting have been peaceful. and it’s unfortunate that a few fringe elements have infiltrated to cause fear and panic and destruction.


    it has escalated rather quickly. the national guard is being sent to los angeles.

    but the majority of protesters during the day were peaceful. it’s now degenerated into lunacy.

    where i am is relatively peaceful. but downtown and central la. it’s just chaos. most parts of la county are ok though.

    Your right and you actually live here ! And it isn’t just downtown L.A. West L.A. Melrose Blvd, Bev. Hills, etc. You are also correct that during the day the protests were peaceful and respectful. Not now ! You are also right that the other officers should and likely will be charged-whether its some degree of murder or not will be up to the D.A.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by waterfield.
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