Guernica meets a Flaming Giraffe

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    The corrupt, hopeless, Corporate-Capitalist-Plague-State (peopled by the abysmally-dummed-down-electorate) we live in now, is looking more and more like Picasso’s Guernica Painting everyday.

    I used to think it was more like a Dali Painting.

    Maybe its like Guernica meets Dali. You’ve got horror. But also ineffable weirdness.

    Now, if i were to do a fingerpainting of ‘America 2020’ I’d have to have the Minnesota thing in one part of the painting. Somewhere. Racism. Rage. The usual reactions. We’ve seen them all before. Watts, Ferguson etc, etc.

    But somewhere in my fingerpainting I’d have to have an image of Epstein.

    The Epstein thing is a micro-cosm of so much of the system today. Rich justice vs Poor Justice. Corruption. Billionaire-influence. Corporate-Media-Selling out to Power. Pure Gangsterism. The Clintons. And on and on.

    Guernica meets a Flaming Giraffe. I’m tellin ya.

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