Iceland Bans Sociopaths From Government

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    Iceland Bans Sociopaths From Government


    Reykjavik, Iceland – The government of Iceland passed a measure today banning sociopaths from holding jobs in the government. The new statute dubbed The Anti-Trump Decree takes effect immediately and covers both elected and non-elected positions.

    Prime Minister Andrew Canard remarked on this step forward. “We keep looking at how the wheels have fallen off the car in America. Our citizens are determined to protect our way of life from power-hungry politicians who have no empathy.”

    Sociopath Traits

    Iceland’s Ministry of Public Health (MPH) studied sociopaths for quite some time. These mentally ill people seem to have 7 characteristics.

    Doesn’t respect social norms or laws. They consistently break laws or overstep social boundaries.

    Lies, deceives others, uses false identities or nicknames, and uses others for personal gain.

    Doesn’t make any long-term plans. They also often behave without thinking of consequences.

    Shows aggressive or aggravated behavior. They consistently get into fights or physically harm others.

    Doesn’t consider their own safety or the safety of others.

    Doesn’t follow up on personal or professional responsibilities. This can include repeatedly being late to work or not paying bills on time.

    Doesn’t feel guilt or remorse for having harmed or mistreated others.

    Scientists at MPH developed a variety of methods to test would-be politicians for sociopathy. There will also be an investigation into their past to see if they manifested symptoms.

    Sources within MPH report they understand highly intelligent sociopaths may be able to trick the tests and avoid detection. However, scientists also point out it’s highly unlikely their country will fall prey to the likes of Mitch McConnell or Donald Trump.


    Okay. So. Dead serious. I have been thinking for YEARS that preventing sociopaths from working in the government is the ONLY hope for humanity, and I just thought it was logistically impossible to do. I am very interested in this.

    I wonder if sitting government employees will have to take the test, and what will happen to them if they…you know…pass.

    I still can’t imagine this happening in the US because…litigation.

    But this is seriously the only hope.

    Screw Thailand. Iceland is supposed to be a pretty nice place.

    nittany ram

    How can the interests of sociopaths be represented if they can’t hold public office?


    Okay. So. Dead serious. I have been thinking for YEARS that preventing sociopaths from working in the government is the ONLY hope for humanity, and I just thought it was logistically impossible to do. I am very interested in this…

    But this is seriously the only hope.


    Well, what about at the other end of things. Why would people VOTE for sociopaths? They dont have to.

    The problem is way bigger than sociopaths at the top, right.

    Non-Sociopath-People PUT them at the top.

    I dunno. Its a Bio-Pathic system, zooey. It got that way, in a slow, step-by-step process of
    and advancing-corporate-ization-steps (ie, moving away from socialist ideas, toward capitalist ideas).

    How could you eliminate sociopaths from a bio-pathic system?



    Oh, fer chrissakes.

    I just read the thing, actually paying attention this time.

    It’s satire.

    I just got so excited because it’s such a great idea.


    How can the interests of sociopaths be represented if they can’t hold public office?

    I don’t know, Nittany. How can the interests of Seahawks fans be represented if they can’t win the Super Bowl?


    I just got so excited because it’s such a great idea.

    A man can dream.


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