US is Officially a Totalitarian Regime

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  • #114677

    The Dept of Justice-under the leadership of Barr-just now filed a motion to dismiss the entire case relating to


    …Michael Flynn.


    The Dept of Justice-under the leadership of Barr-just now filed a motion to dismiss the entire case relating to

    Michael Flynn notwithstanding his acknowledgment and plea of guilty to all charges including lying to the FBI. Its officially OK to now lie to the FBI if you have a supporter who is the President. Next ? How about Roger Stone? How can the American public have any confidence in the Dept of Justice that stands for the rights of all people in this country. Maybe people just don’t care. Maybe they think all of government is crooked and those that run it are all bought and paid for. Of course that attitude is precisely how and why authoritarian governments come into power in the first place.

    I’m sure Robert Mueller has seen better days than today. I feel for the guy and those dedicated lawyers w/i the DOJ that have been forced to leave over this crap.

    God help us.


    …Michael Flynn.

    Somehow my post got through before I finished it. Guess i pushed a wrong button someplace.

    You just wonder how Robert Mueller must be feeling right now. All that time and effort spent. Maybe he knew all along this would be the result.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by waterfield.

    …Michael Flynn.

    Somehow my post got through before I finished it. Guess i pushed a wrong button someplace.

    You just wonder how Robert Mueller must be feeling right now. All that time and effort spent. Maybe he knew all along this would be the result.


    America is a ‘totalitarian regime’ ?

    Now, who is the cynic? 🙂

    Anyway, yeah, its beyond words. About half the voters love Trump though, apparently.



    …Michael Flynn.

    Somehow my post got through before I finished it. Guess i pushed a wrong button someplace.

    You just wonder how Robert Mueller must be feeling right now. All that time and effort spent. Maybe he knew all along this would be the result.


    America is a ‘totalitarian regime’ ?

    Now, who is the cynic? 🙂

    Anyway, yeah, its beyond words. About half the voters love Trump though, apparently.


    Yeah I can see him being reelected. I just don’t know how people think anymore. Maybe its because our country was born from independence and rugged individualism-whatever that means-and to many he just sounds and looks “tough”. Add to that their hatred of anything about the democrats who they believe are smelly communists who want to take their “stuff” away from them and you have the witches brew that brought the guy into office.

    The real irony to me is he won because of the existence of the electoral college which was established because of the fear that if left to a popular vote the voters might select a tyrant ! So the framers thought Congress should do the bidding because they were more “informed” and judicious. How is that for irony-the very process to prevent a tyrant holding the office created one.


    I can’t see how anybody could love Trump. I don’t watch Fox News, but the spin there must be dizzying. I have been lucky enough to work from home, and living here in CT I got to watch and / or listen to Cuomo’s daily briefing, and then Trump’s daily briefing. The difference was night and day. The best part for me was the Q and A session with Trump. If there was any doubt he’s a jackass, those Q and A sessions should prove definitively that he is one.
    The man love himself and care about his interests and desperately wants to get reelected. Everything and everybody else can go to Hell.

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