Is Biden ‘electable’ ?

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    I would say yes, because any idiot is electable in this idiocracy.

    On the plus side, Biden has the support of all the Rich folks, the Corporations, Big Pharma, the CIA, the MSM, Goldman Sachs…

    On the minus side…Some people do seem to be rather alarmed at his….whatever word you wanna label it. Dementia, Senility, whatever.



    According to a new Corporate Poll,

    53 percent are excited about Trump.
    24 percent are excited about Biden.

    Biden may very well be more dull than John Kerry. He’s definitely more…um…use whatever label you wanna use.

    nittany ram

    It’s amazing to me what doesn’t make a politician unelectable.

    – sexual assault
    – blatant lying about easily provable facts
    – using your position to gain favors for family members
    – violating emoluments clauses
    – blackmail
    – etcetera ad Infinitum


    Is Biden ‘electable’ ?

    Are YOU electable? Maybe you should pay more attention to yourself and your own issues, and not worry so much about the shortcomings of others.



    I think my cat Bertha is electable, but I believe it is in the Constitution that says you have to be a human to run for President.



    Maybe the easiest question I’ve ever answered.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.



    Maybe the easiest question I’ve ever answered.


    Now, now. The Democrat Party spent three long years, analyzing what went wrong with the Hillary Fiasco of 2016. And after all that soul-searching and number-crunching, and think-tanking…they came up with…Joe Biden.

    Surely, these movers and shakers know what they are doing, Mack.

    Maybe Biden is just saving himself for the fourth quarter. Ya know.

    …and maybe the Corporotacracy cant lose when its Trump vs Biden. And maybe ‘thats’ what an American ‘election’ is really all about.



    i’m convinced at this point that the democrats prefer to have trump win the reelection.

    i can’t see any other reason they’d want biden to be the nominee.

    well. let me rephrase that. they’d prefer to have someone who could beat trump. but having trump win if biden were to win the democratic nominee would be the next best thing.

    it’ll take pressure off of them. he’s entertainment. and it’ll distract us long enough to get them off their back…

    i’m only half serious of course. but still. i wonder.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by InvaderRam.

    He does have a new ad out now


    I think Joe is gonna lose if he gets the nomination.



    Biden has the support of all the Rich folks, the Corporations, Big Pharma, the CIA, the MSM, Goldman Sachs…

    You missed a few: He also has the support of the poor, the disenfranchised, the minorities, those in fear of what 4 more years of Trump will do to their health care, the federal courts, the electoral process, those in favor of pro-choice, those alarmed at the increased deficits, the privatization of our educational system, the separation of church and state, gun control, and-oh yes-now the economy.


    Biden has the support of all the Rich folks, the Corporations, Big Pharma, the CIA, the MSM, Goldman Sachs…

    You missed a few: He also has the support of the poor, the disenfranchised, the minorities, those in fear of what 4 more years of Trump will do to their health care, the federal courts, the electoral process, those in favor of pro-choice, those alarmed at the increased deficits, the privatization of our educational system, the separation of church and state, gun control, and-oh yes-now the economy.

    I’m probably on an island here, cuz I disagree with bothya.

    Trump and the GOP get the vast majority of rich folks, corporations, big pharma, the CIA and Goldman Sachs, etc. Trump/McConnell have showered American corporations and oligarchs with endless freebies, and will use the pandemic for far more. Tax cuts up the wazoo. Deregulation beyond their wildest dreams. Opening up drilling beyond even Dubya’s assault on the environment. Plus the biggest selloff of public lands since Reagan. They’ve also pretty much gutted oversight of business.

    I’d say the MSM is split. Biden is dull. Trump gives ’em ratings. And the MSM’s bosses all do better with Trump and the GOP. It’s not close.

    As always, yeah, the Dems give them a good deal too. That wouldn’t have been the case with Sanders. But it will be with Biden. But they get an uber-monster deal from Trump and the GOP. The most corporatist-loving Dem candidate will always be less “generous” to the richest 1% than a Trump/McConnell combo, primarily because the Dem “base” will only accept so much neoliberalism. There are no such restraints on the GOP.

    The wildcard is Trump’s personality, and his incompetence, which this pandemic has exposed beyond measure. The oligarchs and plutocrats who peel off and side with Biden will be doing so, IMO, not cuz Biden gives them a better deal, but because they think Trump is dangerously incompetent and erratic.


    Boiled down a bit more:

    Since we start out with a capitalist rigged duopoly, which prevents actual democracy from happening, the next president will be a Dem or a Republican, obviously . . . So if voters go (from there) on policy agendas and competence, this would be the breakdown:

    The 99% would vote overwhelmingly for the Dem
    The 1% would vote overwhelmingly for Trump.

    But, since most Americans vote for their team (Blue or Red), regardless, and “personality” over policy if they need other rationales . . . all bets are off this time. Cuz, really, neither candidate is “electable,” if we make it about the person in question, rather than Team Blue or Team Red.

    Just my two cents.

    (Too late for edit of previous post. So, that would be “accept.”)

    Hope all is well, everyone.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Billy_T.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Zooey.

    Biden has the support of all the Rich folks, the Corporations, Big Pharma, the CIA, the MSM, Goldman Sachs…

    You missed a few: He also has the support of the poor, the disenfranchised, the minorities, those in fear of what 4 more years of Trump will do to their health care, the federal courts, the electoral process, those in favor of pro-choice, those alarmed at the increased deficits, the privatization of our educational system, the separation of church and state, gun control, and-oh yes-now the economy.


    Granted. Thats true.

    I wish they knew better. They had a much better choice 🙂



    Nathan Robinson


    Biden has the support of all the Rich folks, the Corporations, Big Pharma, the CIA, the MSM, Goldman Sachs…

    You missed a few: He also has the support of the poor, the disenfranchised, the minorities, those in fear of what 4 more years of Trump will do to their health care, the federal courts, the electoral process, those in favor of pro-choice, those alarmed at the increased deficits, the privatization of our educational system, the separation of church and state, gun control, and-oh yes-now the economy.


    Granted. Thats true.

    I wish they knew better. They had a much better choice 🙂


    I suppose we differ on how to interpret “better”. If you mean electable then -even I as a centrist-would vote and support Sanders if I believed he had a better chance of beating Trump than Biden. That’s how dangerous I believe Trump is. But for three reasons I don’t think that’s the case:

    1) As proven in the primaries young people supporting Sanders simply won’t show up on election day-with the possible exception of California but there Sanders had broad support. Unfortunately we are just one body of electoral votes.

    2) For whatever reason he will not bring out the African American vote whose power was displayed in the Obama elections.

    3) The remaining voters-assuming Sanders was the nominee-will be told by Trump that he is a socialist and the government will run their health care, etc. That wouldn’t bother the young voter but he or she won’t be there and same with the African American voters who won’t be there either.


    Biden has the support of all the Rich folks, the Corporations, Big Pharma, the CIA, the MSM, Goldman Sachs…

    You missed a few: He also has the support of the poor, the disenfranchised, the minorities, those in fear of what 4 more years of Trump will do to their health care, the federal courts, the electoral process, those in favor of pro-choice, those alarmed at the increased deficits, the privatization of our educational system, the separation of church and state, gun control, and-oh yes-now the economy.


    Granted. Thats true.

    I wish they knew better. They had a much better choice 🙂


    I suppose we differ on how to interpret “better”. If you mean electable then -even I as a centrist-would vote and support Sanders if I believed he had a better chance of beating Trump than Biden. That’s how dangerous I believe Trump is. But for three reasons I don’t think that’s the case:

    1) As proven in the primaries young people supporting Sanders simply won’t show up on election day-with the possible exception of California but there Sanders had broad support. Unfortunately we are just one body of electoral votes.

    2) For whatever reason he will not bring out the African American vote whose power was displayed in the Obama elections.

    3) The remaining voters-assuming Sanders was the nominee-will be told by Trump that he is a socialist and the government will run their health care, etc. That wouldn’t bother the young voter but he or she won’t be there and same with the African American voters who won’t be there either.


    Will enough progressives vote for Mr-Corporatist-Biden?

    I dunno. Read the comments here:



    I’m constantly puzzled by the amount of time devoted to critiquing the Dems versus that spent on the GOP, especially given who actually holds power in America, and how that power is used. To me, as a leftist, it doesn’t add up, at all, and I think it creates a dangerously false sense of reality.

    When I read or see progressive criticism of the Dems, I’m usually in agreement with it. Most of it strikes me as on the nose, and necessary to say, write, promulgate, etc. As in, it needs to be shouted from the rooftops. As Nathan Robinson mentions above, it’s wrong that some want to silence it. Let the sunshine in!!

    But all too much of it also leaves out the GOP, and all too often entirely. It seems to forget that Trump is the president, the GOP has the Senate, the Supreme Court, and controls most of the states. It seems to forget that our daily life is filled with Trump/GOP scandals, power grabs, grifting, cons, endless lies, and we learn daily about these things in specific, concrete terms, though generally, unfortunately, not from those “progressive” sources.

    If Americans watched nothing but, say, The Rising and a few other lefty sources on Youtube, they couldn’t help but think of the Dems as evil beyond redemption, leaving the GOP alone as the political answer — if for no other reason than they’re not talked about. That would be the “logical” deduction to make.

    “They really make a great case against the Dems! They don’t say a word about Trump and the GOP, so they must love them!!”

    Yeah, I know. Every now and then they’ll mention them and make some sort of obligatory comment. But with the proportion of heavy critique being so overwhelmingly one-sided, what is the the logical deduction to make from that for their audience?

    In short, as a leftist, bringing a leftist critique against some leftist critiques, I want to see Sunshine bearing down on both parties (and the system that supports them), and for the relative power arrangements to factor in as well. Who holds the power, and what do they do with it? Judging from some of these sources, one would think the Dems are all alone in DC.


    Some recent examples:

    Trump has rolled back umpteen environmental protections since Day One, and he recently used the pandemic emergency to roll back more. Air pollution already kills 9 million human beings a year, worldwide. His rollbacks will literally kill millions more over time. He also used it to roll back worker protections, sanitation rules, and asylum-seeker protections, and as every leftist knows, they were already far from adequate.

    And today, at his presser, he claimed absolute power because of this emergency, all but saying he can do anything he wants. He recently fired several Inspector Generals (in retaliation for outing his crimes) to make that clear, which would have caused the end of pretty much any other president.

    But, what we really, really need to concern ourselves with is the meeting that didn’t happen between AOC and Biden, right?

    Again, America has lost its freakin mind.


    Speaking of Nathan Robinson — I’m a big fan, and hope to read his new book on socialism as soon as local libraries open back up — he got the Wisconsin situation all wrong. The Dems actually tried to postpone the election, sighting the pandemic. The Dem governor (Evers) tried his best to do this, but was rebuffed by the GOP.

    The GOP wants desperately to purge the voter rolls of hundreds of thousands of likely Dem voters, and hoped to win a state Supreme Court election to make sure that happened, so they blocked efforts to postpone it.

    Ironically, with the election going forward, the liberal challenger won, making it far less likely that the purge will go through. It still may. Cuz the GOP still has a slight majority there. But, apparently, one of their “conservative” judges is so far going against his own team and saying no to the purge.


    The allegation against Biden is testing some of the liberal-me-too folks:


    The DNC cleared the field for the wrong guy, again. Rinse and repeat.

    The nom shoulda been Sanders, obviously. Best policies and agenda, relative to all other candidates, by light years. And he doesn’t have that ethics baggage to deal with.

    Wouldn’t want to go to a second or third choice, but if forced to, it would probably be Inslee or Warren, maybe Yang. And I can think of several others who would have been better than Biden, with a better chance of beating Trump too. Harris, Klobuchar, etc.

    Of course, Biden’s alleged sexual predations pale in comparison to Trump’s. It’s not close. The latter has at least 24 credible accusations of sexual assault against him, which include outright rape.

    What is it about these politicians/CEOs and their predatory natures? Why do so many of them seem to fit the profile of sociopath?

    My own dime-store theory is that in a capitalist society, rising to “the top” nearly always requires that. I don’t know enough about psych to say which comes first, chicken or egg . . . as in, Do they run because they’re sociopaths? or Do they win because they are? or does acquiring the power then turn them toward the dark side?

    But I feel beyond certain that our system radically worsens extremely negative traits, weaponizes them, etc. We need to figure this out if we want to make it as a species into the 22nd century.


    Right now Biden is ahead in the polls. Though Hillary was farther ahead in the polls at this time last year.

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