the new debate — grandparents v. the economy

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    I dont see how the nation can avoid a major Depression, given the neoliberal-shit-policies we’ve been saddled with by the Dems and Reps for the last few decades.

    The rich will cruise through it. The poor will die.

    And as per usual, the poor will turn right around and vote for ones killing them.





    First off, as you guys know, this pandemic impacts all ages. The first reports that it was just us old fogies at risk have been debunked.

    There is no “grandparents sacrifice themselves for the good of capitalism” possibility. Nor should there be. Obviously, the two psychopaths on display there are really saying, Fuck the poor, fuck the working class, fuck even the middle class, let’s get back to work fluffing up rich people again [cuz we’re rich and we depend of workers to stay rich].

    Trump said yesterday that he wants to end social distancing policies in two weeks — against advice from medical professionals worldwide, even in his own administration. And to make it all the worse, he wants us all to feel sorry for him for his own supposed massive sacrifices . . . whining that no one thanked him for not taking a salary, and whining even more how he supposedly lost billions to run for the presidency . . . This in the middle of a presser on the pandemic . . . This in the midst of questions regarding the national response to the pandemic.

    He knew about all of this back in January and did nothing. Hid it from Americans to the extent possible. And now he’s so worried about his own finances and his own chance for reelection, that he wants us to work ourselves to death on behalf of capitalism and capitalists, regardless of how many die.

    Worst. President. Evah. And given our history, that’s saying something.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Billy_T.

    so, is this like the “death panels” that Sarah Palin warned us about when ACA came out?


    When Dan Patrick serenely calls for the economy to soldier on even at the risk of his age bracket, he manages to forget that he doesn’t do his own shopping, stand in lines, or pump his own gas like most people his age.




    First off, as you guys know, this pandemic impacts all ages. The first reports that it was just us old fogies at risk have been debunked.

    There is no “grandparents sacrifice themselves for the good of capitalism” possibility. Nor should there be. Obviously, the two psychopaths on display there are really saying, Fuck the poor, fuck the working class, fuck even the middle class, let’s get back to work fluffing up rich people again [cuz we’re rich and we depend of workers to stay rich].

    Trump said yesterday that he wants to end social distancing policies in two weeks — against advice from medical professionals worldwide, even in his own administration. And to make it all the worse, he wants us all to feel sorry for him for his own supposed massive sacrifices . . . whining that no one thanked him for not taking a salary, and whining even more how he supposedly lost billions to run for the presidency . . . This in the middle of a presser on the pandemic . . . This in the midst of questions regarding the national response to the pandemic.

    He knew about all of this back in January and did nothing. Hid it from Americans to the extent possible. And now he’s so worried about his own finances and his own chance for reelection, that he wants us to work ourselves to death on behalf of capitalism and capitalists, regardless of how many die.

    Worst. President. Evah. And given our history, that’s saying something.

    Agree with every single word you wrote.



    He knew about all of this back in January and did nothing. Hid it from Americans to the extent possible. And now he’s so worried about his own finances and his own chance for reelection, that he wants us to work ourselves to death on behalf of capitalism and capitalists, regardless of how many die.

    He does not care.

    He sees this pandemic as a personal nuisance, not as a health crisis.

    He doesn’t care about other people. He can’t even PRETEND to care.


    He does not care.

    He sees this pandemic as a personal nuisance, not as a health crisis.

    He doesn’t care about other people. He can’t even PRETEND to care.


    He’s a strange one isnt he. A weird mix of:
    Flatout-Unrepentent-IGNORANCE + Fucking-Mental-Illness + Rightwing-Politics.

    Mix them three things together and its not pretty is it.



    This appears to be a rising movement on the right. Glenn Beck is getting in on the act:

    ‘I would rather die than kill the country’: The conservative chorus pushing Trump to end social distancing


    I did not have Prince Charles on my Covid-19 Bingo card.

    I do have Glenn Beck, though.


    I did not have Prince Charles on my Covid-19 Bingo card.

    I do have Glenn Beck, though.


    “George W. Bush is the President.
    He will win the war.
    He will free the Iraqi people.
    He will win 2004.
    He will get my vote.
    So pipe down”




    i’m not so concerned with the mortality rate. i’m more concerned with our lack of preparedness. and the inefficiencies of this healthcare system. there’s a better way. i hope that’s something that can be realized after this.

    can we learn from this? i hope so.

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