You beat me by two days. I was all prepared to walk in here and raise this question.
This board moves too fast for me.
I’m thinking the whole thing depends on when we actually get test kits. Seems to me that we have to test everybody, and isolate the people who have it.
Obviously the rich and well-connected will get tested first because they worked hard to inherit their money, and they deserve it. Then they will test their vital employees (the players), and let the ones who are negative start rehearsing their roles for the show. They’ll stick a thermometer in every player’s ear every morning before they enter the facility.
But…when are they going to produce the kits? I would think the chances of large numbers of kits by July are pretty good.
And empty stadiums are a problem, but the NFL gets most of its money from television anyway. Will we see empty stadiums on opening day?
Weird times, people.