Krystal Ball: Bernie should drop out if…

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  • #112823

    I dont agree with zooey’s fiance on this. I think Bernie should stay in and pile up as many delegates as he can, and stay on message for as long as he can.
    I think its important to see just how many progressive delegates he can get. A measure of the strength of the leftwing of the Dem Party. If he can get one-third of the delegates thats a pretty important showing.


    I totally disagree and I haven’t even seen the video.

    EDIT: Saw the video. Corona virus Czar??? Not remotely enough. Without systemic changes, that’s just signing up to be frustrated.

    Bernie needs to stay in for ONE reason: If Bernie drops out, then the DNC could just have Biden give his delegates to anyone else and no one could say anything since technically no one would be running.

    Bernie staying in prevents the DNC from simply appointing their candidate of choice.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Mackeyser.

    Sports is the crucible of human virtue. The distillate remains are human vice.


    I totally disagree and I haven’t even seen the video.

    Bernie needs to stay in for ONE reason: If Bernie drops out, then the DNC could just have Biden give his delegates to anyone else and no one could say anything since technically no one would be running.

    Bernie staying in prevents the DNC from simply appointing their candidate of choice.


    Well in the Vid, Krystal Ball says Bernie should drop out only IF, the DNC gives Bernie the role of Virus-Czar or somethin. Bernie would set virus-policy. Thats her view, anyway. Not mine.

    “…In times of economic crisis such as the Great Depression of 1929-38, government dumped millions into the economy to save it from its self-engendered, speculation-mad insolvency. In a word, business adventured, speculated, falsified, and corrupted while the going was good. When the profits were squeezed out of an area business pocketed its gains and moved on to greener pastures, leaving the government to foot the bill.
    Muckrakers at the turn of the century described the putrid mess of waste, corruption, pillaging of public property, wholesale destruction, and mass murder that resulted from the greed and mad adventurism of private enterprise on-the-make.
    ….this era of self-criticism was cut short by the 1914-1918 war.
    When the war ended in Novermber, 1918, veterans returning from Europe eagerly joined hands with corporate wealth and slum gangsterism to drive socialists from office and restore the rat race for wealth and power which had occupied the half century between 1865 and 1915…”

    Scott Nearing “Making of a Radical”


    Here’s what Bernie should do. He should say to Biden and the DNC…I will endorse Biden if you guys promise to enact Medicare for All.

    M4A was already popular with most people, even Republicans, before the pandemic. 6 weeks from now, people will have shifted from seeing M4A as something we SHOULD have to something we NEED. Say what you will about Italy…nobody is going bankrupt due to hospital charges. 6 weeks from now, M4A will poll higher than ever, and the momentum behind it will be at its greatest peak ever. The DNC will not be able to refuse a public demand for M4A. If Sanders demands that, they have to accept that condition, or the entire party is publicly on record as opposing M4A during the biggest health crisis in anybody’s lifetime, and they will go down in flames…not just Biden…the Senate and House as well. The party will die. They will be forced to swallow M4A, or get beaten up and down the ticket with nothing to show for it, and THEIR name on the rejection of a program people will be starting to demand action on by mid-summer.

    If they accept their fate, Sanders will rally his base to support Democrats up and down, and they will win the White House, get the Senate, and expand the House. They won’t really have a choice. They will have to do it. And we will have the first leftist victory since the Civil Rights Act, and we will have finally changed the direction of the country. We might even be able to draft some other legislation to get through, like paid sick leave.

    But this would require Sanders to actually use his leverage. And he won’t.

    So…Moses got us this far. We now need Joshua.

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