Social aspects of the Virus situation

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    Toilet Paper as an American ‘icon’


    Here’s why people are panic buying and stockpiling toilet paper to cope with coronavirus fears

    “….While sales of hand soaps and sanitizers have soared in markets around the world since the outbreak began, consumers have also been stocking up on a somewhat surprising item – toilet paper. According to Dimitrios Tsivrikos, lecturer in consumer and business psychology at University College London, toilet paper has become an “icon” of mass panic….

    ….Psychologists spoke to CNBC to weigh in on why our brains push us to panic buy — even when authorities are assuring the public there’s no need to.

    According to Paul Marsden, a consumer psychologist at the University of the Arts London, the short answer can be found in the psychology of “retail therapy” — where we buy to manage our emotional state.

    “It’s about ‘taking back control’ in a world where you feel out of control,” he said. “More generally, panic buying can be understood as playing to our three fundamental psychology needs.”…


    Virus comedy, is big in NY.


    An almost capitalist rags to riches story.


    He Has 17,700 Bottles Of Hand Sanitizer

    On March 1, the day after the first coronavirus death in the United States was announced, brothers Matt and Noah Colvin set out in a silver S.U.V. to pick up some hand sanitizer. Driving around Chattanooga, Tenn., they hit a Dollar Tree, then a Walmart, a Staples and a Home Depot. At each store, they cleaned out the shelves.

    Over the next three days, Noah Colvin took a 1,300-mile road trip across Tennessee and into Kentucky, filling a U-Haul truck with thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer and thousands of packs of antibacterial wipes, mostly from “little hole-in-the-wall dollar stores in the backwoods,” his brother said. “The major metro areas were cleaned out.”

    Matt Colvin stayed home near Chattanooga, preparing for pallets of even more wipes and sanitizer he had ordered, and starting to list them on Amazon. Mr. Colvin said he had posted 300 bottles of hand sanitizer and immediately sold them all for between $8 and $70 each, multiples higher than what he had bought them for. To him, “it was crazy money.” To many others, it was profiteering from a pandemic.

    The next day, Amazon pulled his items and thousands of other listings for sanitizer, wipes and face masks. The company suspended some of the sellers behind the listings and warned many others that if they kept running up prices, they’d lose their accounts. EBay soon followed with even stricter measures, prohibiting any U.S. sales of masks or sanitizer.



    Typical kind of argument you find out there


    Sam Monson@PFF_Sam
    They’ve shut down the St Paddy’s parades IN IRELAND.

    If the Irish themselves think it’s time to knock the Paddy’s day celebrations on the head for the moment, maybe hold fire.

    Tom Schuba@TomSchuba
    “I’m not about to put my life on hold because this is going around,” said Kyle Thomas, a nurse from Colorado who flew in to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with his Chicago friends.

    Alex from Chicago@SKOL_doctor
    Some people made plans to see friends that they may only be able to see once per year. I’m not gonna criticize people for not following your agenda. To each their own.

    Sam Monson@PFF_Sam
    It’s not my agenda, jackass. It’s the agenda of medical experts that value the lives of the vulnerable over some guy’s trip to see friends

    Eric Eager@PFF_Eric
    “To each their own” is literally someone demonstrating that they don’t have a clue about what’s going on



    America Is a Sham
    Policy changes in reaction to the coronavirus reveal how absurd so many of our rules are to begin with.
    by Dan Kois
    ….Each day of this public health crisis brings a new example. People thrown in jail for minor offenses? San Antonio is one of many jurisdictions to announce that, to keep jails from being crowded with sick citizens, they’ll stop doing that. Why were they doing it in the first place?

    The federal government charging interest on loans to attend college? Well, Donald Trump has instructed government agencies who administer loans to waive interest accrual for the duration of the crisis. But why on earth is our government charging its own citizens interest anyway?

    Broadband data caps and throttled internet? Those have been eliminated by AT&T and other ISPs, because of the coronavirus. But data caps and throttling were really just veiled price hikes that served no real technical purpose. Why did we put up with them?

    Police helping landlords evict tenants in times of financial trouble? Due to the coronavirus, not anymore in New York, Miami, and New Orleans. But—and you see where this is going—why do the police aid evictions when tenants are stricken with other, non-coronavirus illnesses?

    The city shutting off your water, or your power, as punishment for hardship? During this public health emergency, plenty of cities and companies have suddenly found a way to keep service turned on. “As long as COVID-19 remains a health concern,” said Detroit mayor Mike Duggan, “no Detroit resident should have concerns about whether their water service will be interrupted.” Why in the hell should any Detroit resident have concerns about their water service being interrupted, ever? Shouldn’t clean water be the absolute base level of service delivered by a city to its residents?

    Sick employees forced to take unpaid leave or work while sick if they want to keep their jobs? Walmart recently announced it would provide up to two weeks of paid leave for any employee who contracts the coronavirus. And the House just passed a bill to address the problem, though as the New York Times editorial board notes, the House’s failure to make the bill universal “is an embarrassment that endangers the health of workers, consumers and the broader American public.” But why should any sick worker fear losing their pay or their job at any time? And why are the most vulnerable to punitive sick leave practices the workers making the lowest wages?” …see link


    nittany ram

    My wife went into Walmart yesterday and when she walked by the gun section she noticed that the shelves that contain ammo were nearly empty. A co-worker told me that her so-in-law went to a local guns shop yesterday and they were completely out of ammo.

    To me that’s a little unnerving considering the general level of panic surrounding this outbreak.

    Who knows what nutty conspiracists/militia groups like the Three Percenters will react if things do get bad.


    Disinfectant Vid




    Norway College Urges Students To Return From ‘Poorly Developed’ U.S. Amid Pandemic
    Students studying abroad are called home because of the spread of the coronavirus, “especially” from the U.S.

    Norway’s renowned University of Science and Technology has issued an alert urging students studying abroad to return home as a response to the coronavirus pandemic — specifically singling out the U.S.

    The warning from the nation’s largest university, with some 40,000 students, applies “especially” to students staying in nations with “poorly developed health services,” as well as countries, “for example the USA,” with a “poorly developed collective infrastructure.”

    The alert notes it can be difficult in the U.S. to “get transport to the airport if you don’t have a car.” It added, apparently referring to “poorly developed health services,” that, “The same applies if you don’t have health insurance.”

    “In line with the advice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I, as NTNU’s Rector, strongly recommend that all NTNU students who are outside Norway return home.

    This applies especially if you are staying in a country with poorly developed health services. This also applies for countries with poorly developed collective infrastructure, for example the USA, where it can be difficult to get transport to the airport if you don’t have a car. The same applies if you don’t have health insurance.”

    The university’s alert came as Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement Saturday advising all Norwegian citizens abroad to return home.

    Norway is shutting down its airports and harbors to foreign travelers on Monday. Norwegians will be allowed to return home — though they’ll have to be quarantined for 14 days.

    In 2018 private meeting with lawmakers, President Donald Trump reportedly expressed a desire for more immigrants from Norway after complaining about people moving to the U.S. from “shithole countries,” and naming Africa and Haiti, according to one of those present. Responses from Norwegians at the time indicated they were quite happy where they were.

    Here’s how some Twitter users responded to the Norwegian university’s directive:


    The warning from the nation’s largest university, with some 40,000 students, applies “especially” to students staying in nations with “poorly developed health services,” as well as countries, “for example the USA,” with a “poorly developed collective infrastructure.”

    maybe this will be the wake up call this country needs?


    The warning from the nation’s largest university, with some 40,000 students, applies “especially” to students staying in nations with “poorly developed health services,” as well as countries, “for example the USA,” with a “poorly developed collective infrastructure.”

    maybe this will be the wake up call this country needs?


    Well, let me know if you meet any centrists or Rightwingers who change their views. 🙂

    This health-care system is based on Centrist and Rightwing policies. Decades of ‘that’.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by wv.

    Well, let me know if you meet any centrists or Rightwingers who change their views.

    voters or policy makers?


    Well, let me know if you meet any centrists or Rightwingers who change their views.

    voters or policy makers?



    People dont change their minds for the most part. Leftist Friend of mine sent me this about her Rightwing Mom:
    “My mom posted a meme on facebook. It said something to the effect of ‘Italy is refusing to treat its elderly Coronavirus patients. That’s what happens with socialized healthcare!’
    After slamming my head into the keyboard several times, I had things to say.”

    I’ve seen that kind of thing over and over and over in my life.

    Granted some people change, and change does happen, etc.
    But by and large people dont change and change does not happen 🙂

    The Dem-Centrist-SuBSystem and the Rep-Rightwing-SubSystem are very effective at selling their stories.

    There has never been a corporate-propaganda system like this before, in the history of the world. This is something modern, something new.



    haha. well. i will say that my father in law who was a republican (i’m pretty sure he voted for w bush). he’s now a democrat. he’s for medicare for all.

    my own father and mother. both republicans who later switched over to the democrats. they are in favor of medicare for all.

    i also talked to my father in law’s friend. he’s a pediatrician. he is for medicare for all.

    they’re all pretty much centrists i would argue.

    BUT. i should also add that my parents came from korea. my father in law is from japan. the pediatrician is also from korea. both countries have a national healthcare system. so they come from a totally different perspective than most americans i would say.

    so yeah. there’s definitely a huge hill to climb.

    i will say that most young americans i talk to. are for a national healthcare system. that’s the feeling i get. meaning people under the age of 30. just the hunch i get from casual conversation.

    so maybe people don’t change… but generations do???


    haha. well. i will say that my father in law who was a republican (i’m pretty sure he voted for w bush). he’s now a democrat. he’s for medicare for all.

    my own father and mother. both republicans who later switched over to the democrats. they are in favor of medicare for all.

    i also talked to my father in law’s friend. he’s a pediatrician. he is for medicare for all.

    they’re all pretty much centrists i would argue.

    BUT. i should also add that my parents came from korea. my father in law is from japan. the pediatrician is also from korea. both countries have a national healthcare system. so they come from a totally different perspective than most americans i would say.

    so yeah. there’s definitely a huge hill to climb.

    i will say that most young americans i talk to. are for a national healthcare system. that’s the feeling i get. meaning people under the age of 30. just the hunch i get from casual conversation.

    so maybe people don’t change… but generations do???


    Well, i got no answers, but i do know that surveys and polls and anecdotal stuff always points to many people SAYING the want this or that — but none of that means squat if they go into the voting booth and vote for Bushes, Trumps, Bidens, Obamas, Gores, Edwards, Reagans, etc.

    People say all kinds of stuff. And then they vote for imperialist-corporatists, over, and over and over. And over. And over.

    I’m hoping at the end of all things, God explains this to me.

    This guy is funny at times, btw:


    Well, i got no answers, but i do know that surveys and polls and anecdotal stuff always points to many people SAYING the want this or that — but none of that means squat if they go into the voting booth and vote for Bushes, Trumps, Bidens, Obamas, Gores, Edwards, Reagans, etc.

    well. actually looking at it both countries did not have a national healthcare system until long after they immigrated to this country…

    yeah. i got nothing.


    This is just a martial arts guy that i have enjoyed over the years. Interestingly, he happens to live in China. He describes things here — “they take yer temperature everytime you go to the store…”

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