The Aftermath of SuperTues II

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  • #112128

    52 percent of the white voters in Michigan voted for the Corporate-backed, CIA-backed, mass-murdering, biosphere-killing, Goldman-Sachs-backed,
    Hunter-scandal-defending, dementia-riddled, Same-Ole-Sorry-Ass-Duplicat, hack-candidate. Amerika.


    “the left doesn’t owe Biden their vote”
    “shoot me vs. stab me candidates..”


    The usual corporate suspects dont want to see Biden debate Bernie anymore…


    Joe Byedumb and DNC want cancel the debate and not let the “system play out” and “play by the rules”

    Keep fighting Mr Sanders!!! These young voters need to vote!

    URL =

    From Debate in Vegas:

    TODD: Guys, guys, we are at the end here. We are at the end here. I’ve got to let that one go.
    We are less than two weeks away from a national primary. And I want to ask all of you this simple question. There’s a very good chance none of you are going to have enough delegates to the Democratic National Convention to clench this nomination, OK?
    If that happens, I want all of your opinions on this. Should the person with the most delegates at the end of this primary season be the nominee, even if they are short of a majority? Senator Sanders, I’m going to let you go last here, because I know your view on this.

    So instead, I will start with you, Mayor Bloomberg.
    BLOOMBERG: Whatever the rules of the Democratic Party are, they should be followed. And if they have a process, which I believe they do…
    TODD: OK, I’m trying to do this yes or no to make it fast.

    BLOOMBERG: … everybody else — everybody can…
    TODD: So you want the convention to work its will?
    TODD: Senator Warren?

    WARREN: But a convention working its will means that people have the delegates that are pledged to them and they keep those delegates until you come to the convention.
    TODD: Should the leading person?
    WARREN: All of the people.
    TODD: OK. All righty. Vice President Biden?

    BIDEN: Play by the rules.
    TODD: Yes or no, leading person with the delegates, should they be the nominee or not?
    BIDEN: No, let the process work its way out.
    TODD: Mayor Buttigieg?

    BUTTIGIEG: Not necessarily. Not until there’s a majority.
    TODD: Senator Klobuchar?
    KLOBUCHAR: Let the process work.
    TODD: Senator Sanders?

    SANDERS: Well, the process includes 500 super-delegates on the second ballot. So I think that the will of the people should prevail, yes. The person who has the most votes should become the nominee.
    TODD: Thank you, guys. Five noes and a yes.


    Joe Byedumb and DNC want cancel the debate and not let the “system play out” and “play by the rules”

    Keep fighting Mr Sanders!!! These young voters need to vote!


    I didnt figure Bernie would drop out. For him, Its about the ideas and the debate and the long-term-progressive-movement and the young people at this point.

    “A short while ago, I gave a brief statement to the press about our campaign, and where we go from here. I want to share some of those thoughts with you today, and to ask you, once again, for your financial support.

    If you can do that now, please use this link to contribute $2.70:

    Let me start by saying that last night was not a good night for our campaign from a delegate point of view.

    We lost the largest state of the night, Michigan, but we won in North Dakota and currently lead in the state of Washington, the second largest state of the evening.

    But what has become more and more apparent, with each passing primary, is that while we are currently trailing in the delegate count, we are strongly winning the debate about the future of our country.

    In poll after poll after poll, including exit polls, a strong majority of the American people support our progressive agenda.

    The American people are deeply concerned about the grotesque levels of income and wealth inequality in this country.

    The American people believe it is time for the wealthy and profitable corporations to be paying their fair share.

    The American people understand that the federal minimum wage is a starvation wage and that it is time to raise it to a living wage of $15 an hour – nothing less.

    The American people understand that if our kids are going to make it into the middle class, we must make public colleges, universities and trade schools tuition free.

    The American people understand that we cannot continue a cruel and dysfunctional health care system where we are spending twice as much per capita as any other nation, yet 87 million of our neighbors remain uninsured and underinsured.

    And that last point is becoming more and more obvious to the American people as we face the challenge of the coronavirus. Imagine a pandemic where 87 million people have a difficult time going to a doctor.

    The American people understand that climate change is an existential threat to our planet and we need to transform our energy system away from fossil fuels.

    The American people understand that we need to transform our broken and racist criminal justice and immigration system that locks up four times as many people as communist China and leaves millions here at home living in fear.

    But it is not just the ideological debate we are winning.

    We are winning the generational debate as well.

    While Joe Biden does well with older Americans, especially those over 65 years old, our campaign continues to win a vast majority of younger people in this country.

    But while we are winning — very clearly — the ideological debate, we are losing, right now, the electability debate.

    I cannot tell you how many people I and our campaign have spoken to that tell me that they like what our campaign stands for but they are going to vote for Joe Biden because they believe he is the best candidate to beat Trump.

    Needless to say, I strongly disagree.

    So, on Sunday, I very much look forward to debating Joe Biden about these issues in Arizona. This will be the first 1-on-1 debate of this campaign, and I am eager for the American people to see which candidate — which agenda — is best positioned to defeat Donald Trump, the most dangerous president in modern American history.”


    “…my people are being misinformed…”

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