eliz warren drops out

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    The fake progressive, drops out. Who does that benefit? I have no idea.



    I’m little surprised to hear this critique of both Bernie Bros and Bernie himself, but I agree with all of it. I will add that I wish there was greater pushback against the Bernie Bros narrative. I mean…it’s fiction. There is no empirical evidence that Sanders supporters are any worse than anybody else. I have taken some pretty ugly heat from Warren supporters when I have said simple things like “Warren’s support dipped after she back-pedaled on Medicare for All.” I got everything from straight up “FUCK YOU!” to “Oh, please mansplain” and whatever. Stuff, you know. And so it’s not like Sanders supporters have a monopoly on rudeness. And Sanders doesn’t make that point. He doesn’t dispute the charge, or the way the media frames it. Give a listen to this:


    And…btw…this whole “Bernie Bros were mean” thing just tells you everything about Warren, don’t it? Like…she could be making the rounds talking about Medicare for All and banking problems and climate change, but she’s going around whining to Maddow and whomever about Bernie Bros. Where are those progressive causes you care about, Liz?


    And…btw…this whole “Bernie Bros were mean” thing just tells you everything about Warren, don’t it? Like…she could be making the rounds talking about Medicare for All and banking problems and climate change, but she’s going around whining to Maddow and whomever about Bernie Bros. Where are those progressive causes you care about, Liz?


    I’ve thot a lot about this “bernie bros” thing. I hear about it a lot, here in WV, from all kinds of people, but especially Hillary and Warren supporters.

    I cant explain all of it, but I know ‘part’ of it, has to do with the Kinds of things progressives just naturally say about Centrists/Corporate-Liberals. The basic progressive/leftist critique is…oh…its a bit ugly to hear if you are on the receiving end of it. Think of all the ugliness you’ve seen between Libs and Leftists. I think part of it is just that progressive/leftists are attacking some sensitive/core issues. If you are a lib its pretty hard to NOT take it as a withering personal attack.

    At any rate, i dont think the Bernie-Bro thing is hurting Bernie. We know whats hurting Bernie. Bernie didnt work for an African-American President.



    Well, I saw an argument that actually Super Tuesday was bad for Biden because – while he won some states he shouldn’t have – he underperformed overall compared to Clinton vs Sanders. Maybe I will stick it in the ST thread.

    I’ve decided to marry Krystal Ball, btw.


    Well, I saw an argument that actually Super Tuesday was bad for Biden because – while he won some states he shouldn’t have – he underperformed overall compared to Clinton vs Sanders. Maybe I will stick it in the ST thread.

    I’ve decided to marry Krystal Ball, btw.


    Well, i hope Krystal is polyamorous, because I would marry her too.

    Warren is stuck as far as supporting either Biden or Bernie. If she supports Biden it reveals to everyone she was a ‘fake’ progressive all along. If she supports Bernie…well…she’d actually have to be progressive to do that…



    Whoaa Boy! Krystal Ball is one lucky lady. A throuple with wv and zooey!

    If I was Bernie I would stoke a generational conflict. Hell yes, young people and “Bernie Bros” should be upset.

    Older Americans are leaving future generations with climate change, crazy student debt, Donald Trump as president, and trillion dollar deficits without even using the debt to solve America’s numerous future problems.

    Sorry if a young person is mean to you on-line, but you are leaving us a complete disaster.


    Whoaa Boy! Krystal Ball is one lucky lady. A throuple with wv and zooey!.


    Yup. Prettymuch every young-beautiful woman’s dream.

    I used to have crushes on Farrah, Cheryl Tiegs, Audrey Hepburn.
    Now, its Krystal Ball, Jill Stein, Richard Wolff.

    I dunno what happened.



    I told my wife I wanted to marry Krystal Ball, and she said she’s fine with it, so….

    I thought about asking her to a ballgame, and proposing on the big screen. I hope she’s not a 49ers fan, though.

    Naomi Klein is second on my list if Krystal turns me down.

    I think Bernie should run on the Green New Deal. Use it as an umbrella for a huge transformation in our economy, and our system, that paves the way for a Utopian future where we all get rich off renewable energy, and minorities get access to the American Dream. I think Sanders runs Against things too much, personally. I think he needs to run FOR an all-inclusive sustainable future.

    I also think he should play his hand more forcefully. Subtly let them know that they can either concede peacefully, or there is the option of civil disobedience. He has to be willing to play that card, though. I learned as a teacher and a parent that you cannot make threats that you aren’t willing to follow through with. He has leverage. He needs to show that he knows he has leverage.



    USA Today’s take on Warren’s Voting Bloc and the viciousness of Bernie’s supporters.

    I know, I’m vicious. I dunno about Nittany. Sometimes I dont think he’s really as vicious as he could be.


    Elizabeth Warren’s exit doesn’t mean Bernie Sanders gets her progressive supporters, experts say,
    Ledyard King,Rebecca Morin, Maureen Groppe

    WASHINGTON – Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s departure from the Democratic presidential race has removed any competition Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders faced for progressive voters.

    But that doesn’t mean he’ll automatically get her supporters.

    Though Sanders shares the Massachusetts senator’s liberal ideology and her efforts to rein in the reach of corporations, her supporters tended to be college-educated women who backed structural changes rather than the political “revolution” Sanders consistently champions.

    The areas she did well in during an otherwise disappointing Super Tuesday included upscale suburbs of Northern Virginia, the Raleigh Durham, N.C., area and Nashville, Tennessee.

    And some Warren supporters remain angry at Sanders for not getting out of the race in 2016 and endorsing Hillary Clinton sooner than he did, and for allegedly telling Warren in December that a woman could never win the presidency – a claim he characterized as “ludicrous.”

    Youth absence:Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders’ losses

    “I don’t know that Sanders is the second choice of Warren’s voters,” said Matt Dallek, a professor of political management at George Washington University. “I don’t necessarily see her withdrawal helping Sanders very much, if at all.”

    Warren told Rachel Maddow in an interview on MSNBC Thursday night that she had a “short” conversation with Sanders about the viciousness of some of his supporters. Many have attacked the Massachusetts Senator for not dropping out earlier to endorse Sanders before Super Tuesday, where he fell short in several states.




    People do know about the study that showed there’s a certain percentage of all candidates’s followes who are negative/vicious online. Sanders’s people are not any more vicious than anyone else’s.

    I posted that data in another thread, here: http://theramshuddle.com/topic/the-bernies-people-dominate-negative-tweets-myth/


    People do know about the study that showed there’s a certain percentage of all candidates’s followes who are negative/vicious online. Sanders’s people are not any more vicious than anyone else’s.

    I posted that data in another thread, here: http://theramshuddle.com/topic/the-bernies-people-dominate-negative-tweets-myth/


    What about Hitler’s followers?
    What about Daenerys Targaryen’s followers?

    I’m thinking Bernie-Bros and Bernie-Sisters fall somewhere between Hitler and Lassie.



    What about Hitler’s followers?
    What about Daenerys Targaryen’s followers?

    I’m thinking Bernie-Bros and Bernie-Sisters fall somewhere between Hitler and Lassie.


    Hi WV. A personal note. I’ve noticed a couple of times now you will post something, it gets tagged (unjustly and in defiance of all that is good and right) as “pending.” What you then often do is re-post it without a quoted link, and then it works. Problem is, I go into the dashboard file to liberate “pending” posts before I actually look at the board. So then I unpend a post, and turns out, you have already corrected it. None of which is a big deal. You do right to unstick a pending post yourself. If I see it in “pending” first, I approve it, then come here and usually have to take down your corrected one. I hope you don’t mind.

    I think things are fine as is (apart from the fact that our gawddamm software tends toward a high incarceration rate). So I don’t mind if you don’t mind. My rule is, if I am on the board and see a corrected re-post by you FIRST, I will leave it alone; if I am in the “dashboard” first getting unjustly pending posts out of Azkaban and later find that leads to a dual post, I will delete one. Again that’s fine with me if it’s fine with you.

    So this is just a heads up, nothing to see here.



    So this is just a heads up, nothing to see here.


    Ok, cool. I try not to get to emotionally attached to internet posts. So, whatever you decide is gonna be fine with me.

    Though…I know where you live.



    i will only say this. i didn’t know where else to put it. i decided to put it here.

    if biden is the democratic nominee. he will get eaten alive by trump. i don’t know who the republicans would prefer to face, but they better hope it’s biden.


    i will only say this. i didn’t know where else to put it. i decided to put it here.

    if biden is the democratic nominee. he will get eaten alive by trump. i don’t know who the republicans would prefer to face, but they better hope it’s biden.


    Well, the Amerikan voting-public elected, George Bush2 TWICE. And they’ve elected Donald Trump. And Reagan was an Idiot too. Elected him twice.

    So, if you are saying Biden is too brain-dead for the Amerikan voting-public to elect him? — Not necessarily.

    It would be quite a contest though. Biden vs Trump. What a perfect reflection of Amerika. Just perfect. Much like last time.



    Well, the Amerikan voting-public elected, George Bush2 TWICE. And they’ve elected Donald Trump. And Reagan was an Idiot too. Elected him twice.

    So, if you are saying Biden is too brain-dead for the Amerikan voting-public to elect him? — Not necessarily.

    It would be quite a contest though. Biden vs Trump. What a perfect reflection of Amerika. Just perfect. Much like last time.

    no, this is not saying anything about biden being brain-dead.


    I don’t see either one of them beating Trump, but Sanders has a better chance.

    Biden is not a guy who can take abuse. Remember how he folded up against Kamala? And Trump specializes in that kind of abuse. Mocking people is his forte. Wagging the dog is what Trump does best. Biden will be sorry he’s still alive after facing Trump. I’m ALREADY sorry for him.

    What is Biden running FOR? Associate ANYTHING with Biden. Go ahead. I dare you.

    His platform is “I’m not Trump” and “I’m friends with Obama.” Name one other thing.

    Now, I am sure his team will compose some lovely Glittering Generalities to photoshop onto his image, but those will wilt, and look ridiculous under the studio lights. This guy is Hillary Clinton without the accomplishments, talent, wit, or composure. What on earth makes anybody think he can perform better than Hillary did?

    This is the end. Biden will not only reassure 4 more years of Trump, he will probably cost us any chance of taking the Senate, so we are fucked. Ginsburg is going to be replaced by Stephen Miller or Heinrich Himmler. It’s over. Nothing left to do but go watch the planet die from a bamboo bungalow in Thailand.


    We know whats hurting Bernie. Bernie didnt work for an African-American President.

    I didn’t vote for Biden because he worked for Obama. If I was black I would find your comment highly offensive. Not just because it is clearly racist but it also smacks of the very elitism that so many of us find discomforting with the far left. You discount black men and women who might just believe Trump can only be beaten by Biden; that Biden might be able to usher in a democratic controlled Senate; that Biden might be better for the country on issues that we all face. It doesn’t matter whether or not blacks are correct in their views. What matters is that whether you know it or not African Americans actually have VIEWS and OPINIONS. Whites do not have a monopoly on the ability to think. If you want to know what bothers most people about so called “progressives” just re-read the above quote. Its repugnant.


    We know whats hurting Bernie. Bernie didnt work for an African-American President.

    I didn’t vote for Biden because he worked for Obama. If I was black I would find your comment highly offensive. Not just because it is clearly racist but it also smacks of the very elitism that so many of us find discomforting with the far left. You discount black men and women who might just believe Trump can only be beaten by Biden; that Biden might be able to usher in a democratic controlled Senate; that Biden might be better for the country on issues that we all face. It doesn’t matter whether or not blacks are correct in their views. What matters is that whether you know it or not African Americans actually have VIEWS and OPINIONS. Whites do not have a monopoly on the ability to think. If you want to know what bothers most people about so called “progressives” just re-read the above quote. Its repugnant.

    I think you felt slighted as a Biden voter and lashed out at WV, W, but, I also don’t think you have real cause. Plus it’s a board thing, and given that I ask you to slow down on personalized accusations like the ones you’re making.

    I freely say some African-Americans political figures like Clyburn (who is a big pharma campaign money recipient) advocate policies that hurt most working african-americans. There are of course many african-americans saying that. Abundantly. So I have no more hesitation saying that myself than I have saying that whites who support Trump vote for policies that hurt most working whites.

    In fact I think you are throwing around the word “racist” in an irresponsible way.

    . https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/03/bernie-sanders-black-voters/607789/

    Jackson, Mississippi is where, in June 1963, the famous civil-right activist Medgar Evers—who led economic boycotts and voter-registration drives in the state—was murdered in his driveway by a white supremacist after an NAACP meeting. The city’s mayor is now Chokwe Antar Lumumba….

    When I asked Lumumba about how the primary process could have gone differently for Sanders, he stopped for a moment. Then he considered how Sanders performed in caucuses rather than primaries; perhaps if there were ranked-choice voting, as in the Jackson people’s caucus, Sanders would have won a larger share of black voters. But he kept coming back to a central theme: If only more people knew how radically different their lives could be—perhaps then they would join the revolution.

    Is Lumumba saying that (among many many african-american leaders saying that) bad? He is being racist? Does he deserve to be called a progressive ironically, with that word put in slighting, judgmental quotation marks? Obviously not. Are you going to tell him how you would feel about his comment if YOU were African-American? Obviously not.

    Let’s keep the board productive and refrain from throwing judgmental anger at one another in personalized ways. Debate candidates, parties, ideas, policies, beliefs, and movements. Don’t make that antagonistically personal.


    We know whats hurting Bernie. Bernie didnt work for an African-American President.

    I didn’t vote for Biden because he worked for Obama. If I was black I would find your comment highly offensive. Not just because it is clearly racist but it also smacks of the very elitism that so many of us find discomforting with the far left. You discount black men and women who might just believe Trump can only be beaten by Biden; that Biden might be able to usher in a democratic controlled Senate; that Biden might be better for the country on issues that we all face. It doesn’t matter whether or not blacks are correct in their views. What matters is that whether you know it or not African Americans actually have VIEWS and OPINIONS. Whites do not have a monopoly on the ability to think. If you want to know what bothers most people about so called “progressives” just re-read the above quote. Its repugnant.


    I’m sure you do, indeed think that. Thats fine, i dont care.

    But for a guy that thinks he’s a ‘realist’ and pragmatic and all, you dont appear to have actually listened to actual black people much. There are a gazillion vids and podcasts involving african-americans who flat-out aver that they voted for Obama BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK. They practically brag about it. Its not a big secret. Its totally ‘understandable’ given the long horrific history of white-racism in this country. Biden was Obama’s guy. Plenty of mainly mid-age, and older Black people feel loyal to the Obama legacy. This is just politics 101.



    But for a guy that thinks he’s a ‘realist’ and pragmatic and all, you dont appear to have actually listened to actual black people much.

    I just said this to W…can we reign it in a bit? In terms of the tone we as posters take with one another.


    But for a guy that thinks he’s a ‘realist’ and pragmatic and all, you dont appear to have actually listened to actual black people much.

    I just said this to W…can we reign it in a bit? In terms of the tone we as posters take with one another.


    Well, I wasnt feeling any ‘heat’ really. I dunno how my post came across, but I wasn’t ‘reacting’ or ’emotionally’ invested in the racism accusation. I was just pointing out that yes, many black people vote against their own interest, out of loyalty to Obama…etc. And many whites do the same thing — see the Trump election.


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