super Tuesday thread

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  • #111835


    This is like the day before a Ram Playoff game,
    against Dallas.
    At Dallas.

    I know i shouldnt get my hopes up. I mean this is the Amerikan public we are counting on. The amerikan fucking public.

    I’d sooner count on an electorate made up of Orcs and Zombies.




    Our enemies are massing their armies.

    Mordor is stirring.



    This is like the day before a Ram Playoff game,
    against Dallas.
    At Dallas.

    I know i shouldnt get my hopes up. I mean this is the Amerikan public we are counting on. The amerikan fucking public.

    I’d sooner count on an electorate made up of Orcs and Zombies.


    yes, Tejas is the pivotal state of Super Tuesday….. btw The Rams are 3-2 in playoff games vs the Cowboys in Dallas……..

    fucking Amy K and Mayor Pete are full of shit…..


    yes, Tejas is the pivotal state of Super Tuesday….. btw The Rams are 3-2 in playoff games vs the Cowboys in Dallas……..

    fucking Amy K and Mayor Pete are full of shit…..


    Yeah, they are corporate dirtbags for sure, but ya know…I’m fine with their decisions to drop out. I just think Bernie has to stand or fall against one-centrist-candidate. Ya know. Either he has the support of Dem-Voters or he doesnt.
    There’s nothing ‘unfair’ about all these centrist candidates uniting behind one of their own.

    Now we actually get to see what Bernie’s support really is. Is he a mirage or not? A paper-tiger, only formidable against a bunch of centrists who split their votes?

    I want to see what his real support turns out to be.

    I am not optimistic. All the old polls are shit now. We dunno what will happen.

    Can a fucking progressive actually win over the electorate? It hasnt happened since McGovern. Can it happen now? We shall see.

    Progressives cant whine about this. This is centrist-hardball, but its not unfair.

    Bring it on. Lets see.



    I live in Pennsylvania. Our primaries are April 28. There is no early voting here. We are stuck with a Republican state legislature. Ugh.


    And Bloomberg takes votes from Biden so he gets to stay in too. Sanders will do well in Calif-maybe not as high as previously expected. Both Biden and Sanders hope for the magic 15%. One of them won’t get it. Likely Warren. Then we will have a contest for the Democratic voters-progressive or moderate. Both want the same end result but each has a different path.


    This is like the day before a Ram Playoff game,
    against Dallas.
    At Dallas.

    I know i shouldnt get my hopes up. I mean this is the Amerikan public we are counting on. The amerikan fucking public.

    I’d sooner count on an electorate made up of Orcs and Zombies.


    yes, Tejas is the pivotal state of Super Tuesday….. btw The Rams are 3-2 in playoff games vs the Cowboys in Dallas……..

    fucking Amy K and Mayor Pete are full of shit…..

    And Beto too I suppose. In fact I guess everyone not aligned with the “progressives” are full of shit. Maybe everyone is full of shit. Then again maybe none are and are simply people who want the best for their country and have different ideas on how to get there. I think its best for all to avoid the “if I can’t have it my way I’m going to take my ball and go home”.


    And Bloomberg takes votes from Biden so he gets to stay in too. Sanders will do well in Calif-maybe not as high as previously expected. Both Biden and Sanders hope for the magic 15%. One of them won’t get it. Likely Warren. Then we will have a contest for the Democratic voters-progressive or moderate. Both want the same end result but each has a different path.

    I think both of their chances (you meant Warren, not Sanders) of hitting 15% in California gratly increased with the dropouts from the race. They only need a few of those votes to put them over 15%.



    David Sirota@davidsirota
    Reminder: @JoeBiden cast one of the key votes to help Republicans narrowly defeat legislation by
    @BernieSanders and Paul Wellstone designed to stop pharmaceutical price gouging.

    Pass it on.


    And Beto too I suppose. In fact I guess everyone not aligned with the “progressives” are full of shit. Maybe everyone is full of shit. Then again maybe none are and are simply people who want the best for their country and have different ideas on how to get there. I think its best for all to avoid the “if I can’t have it my way I’m going to take my ball and go home”.

    or you can say, “if i can’t have it my way, i’ll openly go against the leading candidate who works hard for every vote he gets but will support another who is using old school connections to game the system”

    Which candidate do you think is going to do a better job of representing the average American?????

    i’ll say it again, fuck Mayor Pete and Amy K ……in addition fuck Joe too…. btw, didn’t he get arrested in South Africa on his way to visit Nelson Mandela?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by joemad.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by joemad.

    I think its best for all to avoid the “if I can’t have it my way I’m going to take my ball and go home”.


    Did you ever once, denounce what the DNC did to Bernie in 2016? The cheating?
    I’m just curious. They have a history of cheating. You know that, right?



    Nice summary by Krystal.


    Nice summary by Krystal.

    When I watch that highlight vid of Biden I can’t help but think it’ll be 4 more years of Trump if Biden is the nominee–he sounds terrible at times.

    And if Biden is the nominee, he’ll have another 8 months of exhausting campaigning and media exposure to keep looking like he is old.

    I can just see Trump voters saying, “I don’t like Trump, but the country’s doing ok and Biden looks like he’s lost a lot.”



    I think its best for all to avoid the “if I can’t have it my way I’m going to take my ball and go home”.


    Did you ever once, denounce what the DNC did to Bernie in 2016? The cheating?
    I’m just curious. They have a history of cheating. You know that, right?


    I have never thought it was cheating. Was power in play-yes. Always has been -going back to Lincoln. Clinton won the plurality in her race against Trump. IMO Sanders would have lost significantly.

    “The 2016 Democratic primary wasn’t rigged by the DNC, and it certainly wasn’t rigged against Sanders. But Democratic elites did try to make Clinton’s nomination as inevitable, as preordained, as possible. And the party is still managing the resentment that engendered in voters. Once somebody doesn’t trust you, it’s very hard to get that trust back.”

    Personally, I’m all for smoke filled rooms with deals being made. Tends to eliminate ideology purists who are not likely to get anything accomplished. Lincoln is an example. He was not a total abolitionist like many of his Republican colleagues. But rather than focus on that one issue after the war he made compromises with the south in order to preserve the Union.


    I think its best for all to avoid the “if I can’t have it my way I’m going to take my ball and go home”.


    Did you ever once, denounce what the DNC did to Bernie in 2016? The cheating?
    I’m just curious. They have a history of cheating. You know that, right?


    Yes-as the article points out there was significant power plays by the DNC elites. But cheating or stealing-no way-it was up and up. Besides Clinton won the overall plurality against Trump who IMO would have lost significantly regardless of the electoral college. Please keep in mind compromises have always been a part of our “democracy”. Personally, I love smoke filled rooms where “deals” are made and stuff gets done. This tends to eliminate ideology purists who never seem to accomplish anything. Lincoln is the perfect example: He was never a strict abolitionist in contrast to many of his Republican elites. However, his focus was on preserving the Union and so he made compromises with the south that we still live with whereas who knows what would have happened to this country had he listened to the Republican strict abolitionists.

    I do not want to see the HOR go back to the Republicans. I do not want to see Mitch Mcconnll more empowered. I do not want to see our environment destroyed. On and On. If it takes smoke filled rooms in the back of a steakhouse with martinis I’m all for it. Fuck ideology.


    IMO Sanders would have lost significantly.

    And all you have on that is your own opinion, which tends to see it that way regardless.

    The actual polling shows that Sanders always had a better chance of beating Trump. We were saying that here at the time.


    Well that didn’t go the way I wanted.

    Not despairing though.


    Well that didn’t go the way I wanted.

    Not despairing though.


    Personally, I’m all for smoke filled rooms with deals being made. Tends to eliminate ideology purists who are not likely to get anything accomplished. Lincoln is an example. He was not a total abolitionist like many of his Republican colleagues. But rather than focus on that one issue after the war he made compromises with the south in order to preserve the Union.

    Allowing for some fluidity in definitions/semantics . . . “abolitionists” were rare (and heavily persecuted) at the time, regardless of party. Yes, the GOP had a strong “anti-slavery” contingent, but this meant “free the slaves, but ship them overseas.” Lincoln was in this camp until his last two years of life, give or take. He had his personal epiphany while meeting with black soldiers during the war, basically. Prior to that, he actively worked to find potential overseas colonies for emancipated slaves, including South America and Africa.

    (Abolitionists favored full emancipation and full civil rights for free slaves here, in the USA.)

    The historian Eric Foner is excellent on the subject.

    It’s also interesting to note that Lincoln, while not a socialist himself, appointed one (Dana) to his cabinet, exchanged letters with Marx, and was friends with several leftists from the European revolutions of 1848. He would have gotten the Red Scare treatment from Republicans if he were alive today. No way on earth would Lincoln even want to be a Republican at the moment.


    Well that didn’t go the way I wanted.

    Not despairing though.

    Yeah, it’s not looking good for Sanders.

    The Morning Joe crowd seems absolutely giddy today, though they all admitted they were shocked by the results. Couldn’t handle their joy and had to shut off the Teebee.

    Glad it’s sunny. Need to get out soon and walk this all off.

    A very bad night for lefty hopes and dreams.


    Well, I’m in despair.

    I really think we have a pretty awesome planet here, and I am sorry to see it destroyed by greedy sociopaths.

    I have no confidence that Biden can beat Trump. He looks muddled and lost from time-to-time. And his primary draw seems to be he isn’t Trump. That’s what the Democrat establishment is running on. Not Trump. And that’s important, but I also think it’s not enough.

    And if Biden loses, the courts are gone. And if the courts are gone, they will formally disenfranchise minorities from voting in a variety of ways, and we won’t be able to regain the government through the ballot box. And they will move to voting machines that produce whatever numbers they want anyway. They’ve already undermined confidence in polls, so people won’t really have any idea what’s going on anymore, and…we’re dead. So…you know…placing hopes of averting that on Joe Biden does make me sad. That’s it. Joe Biden. He’s the people’s Last Champion. A man in mental decline who is Not Trump.

    Not exactly Henry V.



    IMO Sanders would have lost significantly.

    And all you have on that is your own opinion, which tends to see it that way regardless.

    The actual polling shows that Sanders always had a better chance of beating Trump. We were saying that here at the time.

    Well everyone is on the “opinion” page. You, me, everyone. You have no moral superiority in your opinions and neither do I. And people answer poll questions depending on how questions are asked. There’s a little psychology in answering what we think we “should” say. But the voting booth is an entirely different animal. The polls showed Clinton easily beating Trump. If the polling showed Sanders had a better chance of beating Trump why did those voting for Biden yesterday say it was because they viewed him as a “better chance of beating Trump”. Polls are not votes.


    Black, black, black Wednesday. Black day for poor people. Black day for Polar Bears. Black day for poor and sick people, with no health care. Black day for people who care about Peace and Justice.

    Well, i wouldnt vote for Biden if you put a gun to my head. I’ll be voting Green again. Yall, do what feels right to you. I will never do the ‘lesser evil’ thing again. Too late in the game for me to do that. Just wouldnt feel right, voting for a Biosphere-Killer. Its all symbolic at this point, but I dont want my name on a ballot voting for a Killer.

    And thankyou California. How did THEY not get all dummed-down? How did ‘that’ happen?

    Oh, and Fuck the South.

    Carry on,


    Oh, and watch how the MSM will turn into an absolute LOVEFEST for Bernie and Progressives, if it becomes obvious Biden will be the Nominee. Those lowlife-weasels will fall all over themselves trying to ingratiate themselves to progressives. First they smear the left, and then they love the left. Ya know.
    All one big family, Unite against Trump, etc, etc — Gag me.



    Well, I’m in despair.

    I really think we have a pretty awesome planet here, and I am sorry to see it destroyed by greedy sociopaths.

    I have no confidence that Biden can beat Trump. He looks muddled and lost from time-to-time. And his primary draw seems to be he isn’t Trump. That’s what the Democrat establishment is running on. Not Trump. And that’s important, but I also think it’s not enough.

    And if Biden loses, the courts are gone. And if the courts are gone, they will formally disenfranchise minorities from voting in a variety of ways, and we won’t be able to regain the government through the ballot box. And they will move to voting machines that produce whatever numbers they want anyway. They’ve already undermined confidence in polls, so people won’t really have any idea what’s going on anymore, and…we’re dead. So…you know…placing hopes of averting that on Joe Biden does make me sad. That’s it. Joe Biden. He’s the people’s Last Champion. A man in mental decline who is Not Trump.

    Zooey: This thing is nowhere being over. All yesterday did was show the likelihood that neither candidate will have enough pledged delegates to decide on the 1st ballot at the convention. Thus we have a brokered convention and all delegates are free from their pledges, after the initial ballot-Unfortunately that will -I believe-include the dreaded super delegates. What the democrats need to do is to avoid the super delegates from deciding the nomination-something that would cast suspicion on the electoral much like the Clinton nomination in 2016. In order to do that those previously pledged delegates-now free-must get together to push one candidate over the top so as to avoid the super delegate issue. Yes there will be “negotiations” at that point-something that is always in play.

    Given what you wrote above I assume if Biden is the nominee you will vote for him in the race against Trump. Just so you know if Sanders is the nominee I will vote for him and even work on his behalf.
    Not exactly Henry V.



    If the polling showed Sanders had a better chance of beating Trump why did those voting for Biden yesterday say it was because they viewed him as a “better chance of beating Trump”. Polls are not votes.

    Because for 36 hours straight after South Carolina, every single media talking head and every Democrat politician beat that message into the heads of viewers with a sledge hammer.

    We shall see. It’s not over. If they have more debates, Sanders can pick up some ground. Biden has looked lost at times on the stage, and okay sometimes, but he has mostly just stood back and let Buttigieg and Klobuchar and Warren all attack each other. He’s going to have to talk more from now on, and I seriously do not think that’s good for him. He is slightly unhinged. Not enough that it SHOULD matter, but enough that it MAY matter.

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