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  • #111379

    I m just stunned by the amount of terrible things coming out about Bloomberg. I wish I had been collecting them all. Some of them were quick, itemized lists that would have made handy reference cards. But I will start here. Maybe we should have a thread on any of the candidates who get any traction, although I think Super Tuesday should winnow the list down. I don’t see Buttigieg or Biden surviving. But…we shall see. Anyway, I will start with a Bloomberg .




    Frederick Joseph@FredTJoseph
    For those who need more context about how devastatingly racist #stopandfrisk was and why no Black or brown people should support Mike Bloomberg, I’ll tell a personal story.

    I was in college during the height of stop and frisk in NYC…

    It was commonly known amongst young Black and brown people that police weren’t just randomly stopping us, they were harassing us — and there was nothing you could do about it.

    One night I was heading home from class
    One night I was heading home from a late class at Hunter College, which is on the upper east side of manhattan.

    I decided to study at a coffee shop near there for about 2 hours before going home. I left at about 11pm.

    As I walked to the train I was stopped by a group of police.
    I was the only person walking on that side of the street besides the police and immediately became nervous.

    The officers looked at me and I’m sure I had a look of fear —

    “What are you doing around here this time of night?” One asked.

    “Coming from school.” I answered
    “A bit late for that. Where do you go?” Another officer answered

    “I go to Hunter” I responded

    “That doesn’t make sense… classes ended hours ago. You’re lying.” He responded

    “I was studying.” I said

    “What’s in the bag?” He responded

    I told him it was my books and Laptop.
    The original officer then proceeded to snatch my bag and while the other two officers began yelling for me to face the wall next to me.

    I began to have an anxiety attack and started hyperventilating.

    I tried my best to move to the wall but couldn’t.

    I said loudly, “you broke my laptop!”

    One officer responded, “find the number online for complaints and take it up with them.”

    I asked for their badge numbers — and they continued walking away. I obviously didn’t dare to chase them down.

    I called the number the next day, and the day after, and weeks later … nothing.

    Long story short, I had to work extra hours to buy a new laptop and never took night classes again nor stayed out to study near school.

    Mike Bloomberg and stop and frisk only further emboldened the entitlement of racism in the NYPD and destroyed any faith in the police for people like myself.

    Mike Bloomberg defending that program is disgusting. No weak apology or donations can fix the destruction he caused.

    A man capable enabling that type of subhuman treatment of people of color is completely unfit for presidency.



    Rodger Kamenetz, from facebook

    Like him or not— and I like him- Bernie is concise and clear on Bloomberg. “We will not defeat Donald Trump with a candidate who in 2015 stated, and I quote: ‘I, for example, am not in favor, have never been in favor of raising the minimum wage,’” Sanders said. “We will not defeat Donald Trump with a candidate who opposed modest proposals during Barack Obama’s presidency to raise taxes on the wealthy, while advocating for cuts to Medicare and Social Security. We will not defeat Donald Trump with a candidate who, instead of holding the crooks on Wall Street accountable, blamed the end of the racist policies such as redlining for the financial crisis.”




    Cenk Uygur@cenkuygur
    Now 2nd person has confirmed @MikeBloomberg told employee to “Kill it!” when he found out she was pregnant. Remind me how he is the most electable again. Imagine if Bernie had said that?! Every cable anchor would have “disqualified” him already. Also this is HORRIBLY anti-choice.


    Former employee says he heard Bloomberg ask a female co-worker if she was going to ‘kill it’ after announcing her pregnancy

    Feb 15, 2020

    A former employee of Michael Bloomberg corroborated an accusation that the business mogul told a woman to “kill it” after she announced her pregnancy, according to The Washington Post.
    Bloomberg, now a Democratic presidential candidate, has faced repeated faced accusations of directing sexist and crude comments to women at his company, Bloomberg LP, and previously denied that he told this to a female employee.
    “He talked kind of crudely about women all the time,” the former employee told The Washington Post.
    Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

    While the particular allegation has previously been reported as it was the subject of a highly publicized lawsuit against Bloomberg in 1997, a former Bloomberg employee who wasn’t involved in that lawsuit said he heard Bloomberg make the comments.

    Bloomberg has denied the particular allegation under oath during the lawsuit, though he eventually reached an undisclosed settlement with the woman, Sekiko Sakai Garrison, once a top salesperson at his company.

    According to court documents, the incident occurred on April 11, 1995 when Bloomberg noted Garrison, who began working for Bloomberg in 1989, hadn’t been invited to participate in a photo.

    “Why didn’t they ask you to be in the picture? I guess they saw your face,” Bloomberg said to Garrison, according to the complaint from the 90s, that as Business Insider previously noted, has continued to cause issues for Bloomberg in the decades that have followed.

    He asked her about her marriage — apparently part of a pattern that involved Bloomberg prodding and ridiculing women in his office who were married. When Garrison told Bloomberg her marriage was good, in part, because she was pregnant, Bloomberg reportedly made the comments.

    “He responded to her, ‘Kill it!'” the court documents read. “Plaintiff asked Bloomberg to repeat himself, and again he said, ‘Kill it!’ and muttered, ‘Great! Number 16!’ suggesting to plaintiff his unhappiness that sixteen women in the Company had maternity-related status. Then he walked away.”

    In the WaPo report published Saturday, David Zielenziger, a former Bloomberg employee told the Washington Post he heard Bloomberg make the comment, calling it “outrageous.” “I understood why she took offense,” he added.

    “I remember she had been telling some of her girlfriends that she was pregnant,” Zielenziger told the Washington Post. “And Mike came out and I remember he said, ‘Are you going to kill it?’ And that stopped everything. And I couldn’t believe it.”

    Zielenziger told the DC newspaper that he never spoke to Garrison about the incident and was not a party in her lawsuit against their former boss.

    “He talked kind of crudely about women all the time,” Zielenziger said, adding that the type of comment was typical of the billionaire.

    Ken Cooper, identified as a software engineer who now leads Bloomberg’s human resources department, told the Washington Post in an interview set up by Bloomberg’s team that, while he did not hear the comments, he confirmed that Garrison had — at the time — recounted what she had heard.

    When word got to Bloomberg that Garrison had been upset by his comments, the CEO called her and left a lengthy voicemail claiming that she had misinterpreted his comments, according to notes taken by Garrison published by The Washington Post.

    “When you have time, give me a buzz or stop by…I don’t understand,” Bloomberg said on a message he left for Garrison, according to the handwritten account. “I didn’t even know you were pregnant until the other day…(another employee) said you were all upset…whatever you heard wasn’t what I said and whatever I said had nothing to do with pregnancies…I couldn’t be happier you are having a child…I apologize if there was something you heard but I didn’t say it, didn’t mean it, didn’t say it.”

    “Virtually all of this has been reported over the past two decades,” a Bloomberg spokesperson told Business Insider. “In any large organization, there are going to be complaints — but Mike simply does not tolerate any kind of discrimination or harassment, and he’s created cultures that are all about equality and inclusion.”

    Business Insider has previously detailed the reported culture at Bloomberg, which was described by one former employee as a “reckless playground” for the company’s male executives who would “target young, female, naive employees” for sex. There have been numerous lawsuits against the company over the course of the past two decades, according to the report.

    There are two reports of alleged sexual assault by executives at Bloomberg’s company, Busines Insider reported, with the most recent report occurring in 2016. Bloomberg himself was known for his crude comments, which are further detailed in the booklet published by The Washington Post on Saturday.

    “In any large organization, there are going to be complaints — but Mike has never tolerated any kind of discrimination or harassment, and he’s created cultures that are all about equality and inclusion,” Campaign Chair Patricia E. Harris said in an emailed statement, adding that she’s worked with Bloomberg for 26 and “he has always hired and promoted women into senior leadership roles.”


    Which circle of Hell did we just descend into?


    Which circle of Hell did we just descend into?

    Let’s replace the racist, sexual predator billionaire president from New York with a racist, sexual predator billionaire from New York.








    The Bloomberg Myth Explodes on Live TV
    The Nevada debate offered voters vital information — including the exposure of Michael Bloomberg’s reputation for “electability”


    What a catastrophe Wednesday night was for Mike Bloomberg. The New York plutocrat was kicked in the teeth by Elizabeth Warren in the first minutes — she denounced him as a Trump-like “arrogant billionaire” who called women “horse-faced lesbians” — and never made it back to his feet.

    Bloomberg stood in mute fury as his $400 million campaign investment went up in smoke. His contempt for democracy and sense of entitlement surpass even Donald Trump, who at least likes crowds — Bloomberg’s joyless imperiousness makes Trump seem like Robin Williams.

    That Bloomberg has been touted as a potential Democratic Party savior across the top ranks of politics and media is an extraordinary indictment of that group of people.

    Some endorsements were straight cash transactions, in which politicians who owe their careers to Bloomberg’s largess repaid him with whatever compliments they could muster. How much does a man who radiates impatience with the idea of having to pretend to equal status with anyone have to spend to get someone to say something nice?

    California Congressman Harley Rouda called him a “legendary businessman”: Bloomie gave her more than $4 million. New Jersey’s Mikie Sherrill got more than $2 million from Bloomberg’s Independence USA Super PAC, and in return the Navy vet said Bloomberg embodies “the integrity we need.”

    Georgia’s Lucy McBath, a member of the congressional black caucus, got $4 million from Bloomberg PACs, and she endorsed him just as an audio clip was coming out of the ex-mayor talking about putting black men up “against the wall” in stop-and-frisk. News accounts of the endorsement frequently left out the financial ties.

    That’s fine. If you give a politician $2 million or $4 million, it must be expected that he or she will say you approximate a human being.

    But how does New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman excuse writing “Paging Michael Bloomberg”? (Well, Bloomberg philanthropies donated to Planet Word, “the museum my wife is building,” says Friedman, so there’s that.) How about Jonathan Chait at New York, who wrote, “Winning the election is starting to look hard. How about buying it instead?” Or John Ellis in The Washington Post, who declared Bloomberg the “dream candidate”?

    These pundits clung to a triumvirate of delusions: Bloomberg “gets things done,” he’s more electable than a Bernie Sanders or an Elizabeth Warren because he can spend unlimited amounts, and he has the “toughness” to take on Trump.

    Far from showing “toughness,” Bloomberg on Wednesday wilted under attacks from his five Democratic opponents. He was unprepared throughout and seemed to be ad-libbing the most important exchanges. When Warren asked him with how many women he’d had sign non-disclosure agreements, Bloomberg muttered:

    Warren: How many is that?
    Bloomberg: None of them accuse me of doing anything, other than maybe s— they didn’t like a joke I told.

    The answer drew groans. Any political consultant could have told Bloomberg “they didn’t like a joke I told” would go over like a dead flounder. Either Bloomberg is a lousy campaigner who doesn’t understand the need for preparation, or he thinks he doesn’t need to prepare for live performances because he’ll just buy PR elsewhere.

    Both explanations bode badly for a theoretical general-election campaign against Trump, an expert at ad-libbing cruelties and generating free media in amounts exceeding even what Bloomberg can buy. If Bloomberg can’t handle being asked by Warren how many NDAs he’s had signed, just imagine when Trump offers him a box to stand on and asks him how it feels to have to spend $4 million per friend.

    Bloomberg’s entire argument for office is that he’s better than Trump, but where exactly is he better? The biggest argument against a Trump presidency involves his racial attitudes. Bloomberg’s record is worse.

    His defense Wednesday of stop-and-frisk — that it was a widely used policy that got “out of control” because “too many” African Americans were stopped — showed that even after all this time, he still doesn’t get the problem, i.e., that the mass-profiling policy was fundamentally discriminatory. Trump is a crude circus nationalist, but Bloomberg’s policing policies were profoundly, intellectually racist, and he proved in Nevada that his only growth has been to recognize their political inexpediency.

    Trump is worse on the environment and on guns. Bloomberg supported George Bush at the height of the Iraq War effort, and says he still doesn’t regret supporting that invasion. Bloomberg also has an awful record when it comes to Wall Street. In the debate Wednesday, he said this about 2008:

    The financial crisis came about because the people that took the mortgages, packaged them, and other people bought them, those were—that’s where all the disaster was.

    That’s in the ballpark of true, although Bloomberg stopped well short of denouncing the “people that took the mortgages,” by which one presumes he means banks. This is unsurprising, because when Bloomberg was not running for president as a Democrat, he ridiculed Occupy Wall Street and regularly spouted bogus Wall Street talking points deflecting blame from banks. This is what he said in November 2011:

    It was not the banks that created the mortgage crisis. It was, plain and simple, Congress who forced everybody to go and give mortgages to people who were on the cusp.

    Bloomberg then went on to say it was “entertaining” and “cathartic” for Occupy Protesters to “vilify” banks, a “let them eat cake” take on the financial crisis.

    It would be impossible to find someone less believable as a reformer of Wall Street and an opponent of wealth inequality. Even Hillary Clinton was less of a guaranteed disaster on this issue. A vote for Bloomberg — a billionaire ex-Republican media executive, for God’s sake — would mean conceding the populist argument to Republicans again.

    Trump has clear authoritarian tendencies and has wrapped his hands around autocrats, but for all the fretting about him perhaps not leaving office in 2020 if voted out, it’s Bloomberg who has already tossed term limits aside, and it’s Bloomberg who is openly trying to buy an election. There is zero evidence he will be any less of a threat to democracy or an agent for rapacious corporate interests than Trump.

    Even assuming one could cross into believing that Bloomberg is somehow less revolting or dangerous than the current president — I don’t, but let’s say — Wednesday exploded the idea that he would have a superior chance at beating him than Sanders or a conventional, non-plutocrat politician like Warren or Pete Buttigieg. Bloomberg was a total zero charisma-wise, had trouble thinking on his feet, and failed to find even one issue where he sounded confident and convincing. His only distinguishing characteristic is his money, and fuck his money.

    One revealing moment in the debate came at the end, when Chuck Todd asked all the candidates, “Should the person with the most delegates at the end of this primary season be the nominee?”

    Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Warren, Joe Biden, and Amy Klobuchar all punted this question, deferring variously to the “rules” or the “process.” Only Sanders said, “The people should prevail.” This makes the endgame clear: All five non-Sanders candidates are placing hopes for the nomination in a backroom convention horse trade.

    While the establishment Democrats like Warren and Buttigieg beat up on Bloomberg onstage last night, treating him like the interloper he is, the major question is, would they do the same in the privacy of that smoke-filled room this summer?

    That’s the question that should have everyone worried. Sanders could lose, but a vote for Bloomberg would be a complete surrender to cynicism, and would probably fail besides. If that’s the plan, God help us.


    The Fox view of the corrupt disgusting revolting Bloomberg:

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