move to Spain ?

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House move to Spain ?

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    “..Spain’s new coalition government, led by the Socialist Party and Unidas Podemos It vows to strengthen job security and unions, raise the minimum wage and taxes on the wealthy, pass a climate-change law, and introduce free, universal public child car…
    …..presented a 50-page document outlining 11 points of emphasis for how the new “progressive coalition” would govern Spain.
    ……….on Tuesday, after two days of rowdy debate, they were backed by a razor-thin simple majority: 167 deputies voted in favor and 165 against, with 18 abstentions. The nail-biter of a vote, which was painstakingly negotiated and almost derailed at the last minute, clears the way for the first progressive coalition government Spain has seen since the 1930s… “

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