49er game reactions from off the net

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    . That was the Rams’ first road win against the 49ers since 2007.



    I wish I could record the Niner post game radio show ! They are speechless. Tim Green is color commentator and said he just “agitated” right now.

    Throughout the broadcast they alternated between angry and plain dumbfounded. Said our D line owned their very good Oline. They seemed to get very “agitated” with Kapernick. Mentioned Rams may have found their next Steven Jackson.



    . That was the Rams’ first road win against the 49ers since 2007.



    I wish I could record the Niner post game radio show ! They are speechless. Tim Green is color commentator and said he just “agitated” right now.

    Throughout the broadcast they alternated between angry and plain dumbfounded. Said our D line owned their very good Oline. They seemed to get very “agitated” with Kapernick. Mentioned Rams may have found their next Steven Jackson.

    It’s Tim Ryan and listening to their whining is priceless.




    Yorks are laughing their fat a**es all the way to the bank with this awful team. Shame!!!

    Stop. He was awful. The line was awful but it’s not like he was making the best out of a bad situation. He was absolutely terrible. Gregg Williams took advantage of Kap’s nonexistent football iq.

    f**k this stupid worthless a** team

    Dude, don’t blame the refs. We suck, you saw it for your own eyes. Don’t blame the others

    Not been a 49ers fan long, this is the worst feeling, so many things wrong today, but the way it finished was cruel. If we lost the game in our own half I would have been gutted, but this is devastating.

    Stop blaming the refs. The coaching staff and QB have gone down the toilet.

    Good lord kaepernick is terrible!

    Lol.not this year boys

    Nice CB play. Why can’t Culliver cover like that?

    refs suck

    Wow NFL really does hate us.

    Escaping with a win. Pretty lucky!
    Seriously? kap sucks.
    Kap ruined it. Wow.

    Please fire Greg Roman. Horrible play calling!

    Kap ruined it. Wow. Something about the dude just says “loser”. he can’t get it done.

    im done with football

    Please fire Greg Roman. Horrible play calling!

    HE DIDNT FUMBLE THE BALL JESUS. Roman isn’t that good but come on

    It’s not like we signed Kaep to 18 per year, so we’re all good. Oh wait…

    Yeah. No idea how that was called on the field but Kap did fumble so oh well.
    Because a ram came out of the pile with the ball

    I don’t argue that at all. I do believe, though, that he is NOT a franchise QB, and the search must be on.

    As a football fan for 28 years I’m at a point that I might be done with football.

    I just canceled Redzone and won’t by any NFL merchandise again until they get refs that know what they are doing.

    Wow. Now terrible defense. This is f****** horrible.

    We can’t even dominate the freakin Rams at home. This team annoys me

    Trey Mason looks like a steal.



    The Offensive line isn’t as bad as Davis is making them look. He bails at the first sign of pressure, real or imagined. When he takes a 3 or 5 step drop, and has time to set his feet, which he does regularly, he has time to get the ball out “on time”. The issue is, he then doesn’t see where to go, and starts running without seeing the field.

    I am not saying that this oline is the second coming of the old Cardiac Cards Oline, (the days of Dierdorf, Dobler, Banks and co.), but IMO, when the QB doesn’t get the ball out on time, it makes the blocking seem a whole lot worse than it is. There was one throw today where I actually thought Davis was decisive, and got the ball out on time, and to the right receiver. It was right after he missed a play, and he came back and completed a 3rd down pass to Cook. I actually thought it was Hill at first, because it was so unlike Davis.

    If he would get rid of the ball, much the same way teams have been doing to our dline for much of the first 7 games, then we aren’t talking about how bad the line is. But he just hasn’t shown the ability to do it consistently

    He routinely has open receivers, but because he is too busy “keeping the play alive” he doesn’t see them, he cuts the field in half and more often than not, it results in a bad play, or at the very least, a wasted down by throwing it away.

    It’s about coaching him to be more careful with the football. That has always been Fisher’s MO, and I for one, agree with it. For every highlight play Davis may make, he usually ends up with 3 negative plays to go along with it. Again, in his 7 1/2 games, there have been THREE he has thrown < 30 passes in. Care to guess which 3 games the Rams have won?


    I loved that the Rams didn’t give up. All kinds of bad things happened, and they kept fighting

    Two early picks of Davis

    The gift TD to Boldin by Roberson

    The “forward momentum stopped” fumble that should have been a Rams TD by Laurinaitis.

    The Tavon Austin punt return TD that was called back

    A few (?) first downs to given to 49ers on Rams D penalties when they would have been stopped (why don’t they ever give those calls to the Rams O?!? Like.. EVER?)

    Defense on the field like all day! (from ineffective offense)

    Obvious unnecessary roughness suplex body slam by Borland in a critical situation, not called. C’mon guys, are you going to enforce the rules or not??

    Deep pass interference on Tru Jo followed by the defensive holding on Tru Jo

    This was the kind of grit it out win we’ve been wanting from the Rams and just haven’t gotten.


    Wow, the Whiney fans sound a lot like Rams fans when they lose.



    Everybody blames the OC. Nobody credits the opposing defense. That’s probably every message board in sportsdom after a loss.


    Everybody blames the OC. Nobody credits the opposing defense. That’s probably every message board in sportsdom after a loss.

    I couldn’t agree more.



    caught the rams / niners game at my cafe which is located in the sfo bay area, lots of niners fans glued to the tube in the 4th, all expecting the worst as the clock wound down, but hoping for the best, cursing harbaugh, roman, fangio, kaep and the oline the entire time.

    when the dust finally settled and the guys in horns walked off the field winners, more than a few niners fans were praising fish, the job he’s done with the rams and a 4th string qb, and saying that if niners had him, instead of harbaugh, the niners would be winners this season and would have won at least one super bowl since 2011.

    in fact none of the niners fans were saying that the niners got jobbed, that crabtree scored at the goal line, that kaep didn’t fumble at the goal line, they accepted those calls at face value. instead the consensus was the rams just beat the niners, and that fish outcoached harbaugh. needless to say it was a rather enjoyable post-game reaction for this rams fan, dejected niners fans praising the rams and their head coach!


    in all seriousness. i do get positive feelings from this team which i haven’t been able to say pre-fisher.

    they’ve made a lot of mistakes. they’ve been inconsistent. but i still get the feeling that this team can get better.

    maybe it isn’t under fisher. but i really do feel like there is a solid foundation here. they’ve just got to get past some sort of tipping point. maybe it’s finding an answer to the quarterback position i don’t know. but they’re close.



    So, we beat the Niners 2 weeks after beating the Seahawks. To be perfectly honest I can almost be satisfied with this entire year as a result of those wins. Im pretty easy to please though.

    At 3-5 we’d have to get some luck to think about long shot-playoff stuff . . . but if we beat the Cardinals Im down to start doing the math. We were right there with 2 playoff teams (Eagles and Cowboys) and could easily be 5-3 right now . . but . . we’re not so I’m not looking into it too hard.

    The Great

    1) 8 SACKS. The D line showed up like they should have at the beginning of the year. I’m not sure if they are getting the scheme or just getting more confident or what. I don’t care either, they just need to keep it up.

    2) Gaines’ defended pass deserves its own section. He turned his head, kept his speed, no PI, and batted a ball at a pivotal moment. He beat out Tru in that moment.

    The Good

    3) Greg Robinson. If I’m not mistaken the blitzing LB “Skuta” was all up in our business the first go round. Not this time. He needs to get more comfy out there, but it really seems like his “weakness to the inside move” isn’t that much of a weakness because he simply has crazy long arms and can redirect quickly enough to slow the pressure even if the guy gets a step on him. He looks like Pace. Also . . can he play both ways? Love to have him at MLB.

    4) Picking a horse. Mason got the bulk of the carries and I’m a huge fan of that. Bring in Benny situationally and let Mason get his rips at the defense. He’s going to bust one soon. Its time.

    5) Austin Davis recovering from TWO first quarter INTs. Fortitude. He didn’t have his best game, but he didn’t let that stop us.

    6) GZ 2/2, even if they were ugly.

    7) Run defense. Really I’ve been impressed for the last 4-5 games. Bobby Rainey went off on us, as did Demarco, but we’ve been frustrating runners.

    8) Goal line stand.

    9) 3rd Down defense.

    The Bad

    10) I am not happy with the lack of 3-4 creative Austin plays every week. There are ways to design getting someone the ball in space. I have been happy with Schotty’s work of late (particularly the Britt TD route), he just needs to commit himself to 3-4 plays a week for Austin.

    11) Um, so . . . Zac Stacy is . . what? Has he been in since his fumble? Is there some issue that is not being made public? I would expect a couple carries or snaps to keep him warm, even if the split is 15/3/3.

    12) Dropped INTs. C’mon guys. Joyner, I understand you have abs, so wear a cushion on your belly in case it happens again.

    The Ugly

    13) Tru’s PI. This is unacceptable in that situation. You’ve been playing football forever. You just lost your starting gig from my perspective.

    The Draft

    DE, LB and RB this year are the best I’ve seen. Replacing Hayes this draft should be a priority because the value will be there. Don’t have anything against Hayes. He’s a great rotational player. He’s just over 30 and the draft is sooooo strong at DE that it’s irresponsible not to draft one in the top 3-4 rounds. I have my eye on like 15 guys.Unfortunately we don’t need a RB, but we may as well grab one in the 6th or something. The OLB position could be filled in m any different ways as there are many different types of really athletic players. I would expect a run on LBs from the 20-75 area. I have my favorites of course, but there are so many Id rather wait until after I watch them run in shorts. Ive seen them play enough football.
    TE is notably slow and weak this year. CB has no top end talent, but a couple of promising mid-grade type guys. I wouldn’t put a top 20 grade on any CB.
    Interior linemen looks strong this year too. Through round 4 we could plug that hole at OG, but if we want to replace wells I’m going to pitch for Grasu the rest of the year.


    from off the net



    Here’s Tavon “stepping out of bounds”:


    Here’s the supposed “block in the back”:




    Bates is clearly to the side of the defender.

    (Can’t take credit for the pictures…they aren’t mine)


    I assume, on the Field Goal ‘return’
    Tavon was dilly-dallying so the SF coverage
    team would think he was not bringing it out.

    I dont really mind his slow, halting
    first steps on that play. I think
    he was just trying to be deceptive.

    Its the bonehead move at the edge
    of the endzone-line that was

    Tavon has an odd return style.
    Remember the big return against the Colts —
    it was “no, no, dont, dont…yes, yes!”

    Thats what you get with Tavon.
    Sometimes it’ll look ugly and sometimes
    he’ll break them.


    Eternal Ramnation

    Pretty harsh on Tru, for one thing without those PI’s both throws were tds.



    I have done this for Bradford in the past and I’ve found that some like it, some don’t. Regardless, I’m going to give you my opinion and break things down to the best of my abilities. You don’t have to agree with my conclusions, please, just keep it respectful. I had expressed the opinion that I believed San Francisco’s defense had not played all that well against us and that I felt Austin Davis had just really struggled but that I would check to see if it could be confirmed on Coach’s Film. I did just that and unfortunately, it was confirmed.(in my mind)


    This is first and 10 just outside the 20 on a drive that ultimately ends in a FG. A completion here is important because it sets us up with manageable 2nd and 3rd downs. On this play, Austin Davis has a choice to make. The linebacker circled is more or less the guy he’s going to read. If the LB crashes down on the drag route with Kendricks, Davis should throw it to Cook down the seam inside of the safety. If the linebacker drops underneath Cook, Davis should hit Kendricks with the cross for a solid gain. Unfortunately, Davis takes too long to make his decision. If he’s going to hit Kendricks, the ball needs to be out now. If he’s going to hit Cook, he can take his hitch step(which he does) and throw it down the seam. Instead, he takes his hitch step and tries to throw to Kendricks. It’s late and the defender is able to defend the pass.



    This is the same drive as the first picture but it is now 3rd down and 10. Brian Schottenheimer calls up a brilliant play. They may or many not have flagged us for OPI…that’s up in the air but Stedman Bailey(IIRC) is wide open over the middle because the 49ers brought the house. Davis, though, panics and runs himself right into pressure. The free blitzer was coming off the right side. Cunningham actually does a great job of picking up the blitzer on the left side. Davis has the time to stand tall in the pocket and hit a wide open Bailey over the middle. Instead, he flushes out of the pocket too early and is forced to throw the ball away. This is what you have to do to stop teams from blitzing. You stand tall and deliver the pass over the middle to the open WR. If you bail on the pocket, they’re going to keep coming.


    This is the interception that Davis threw that led to the 49ers TD. Here’s the frustrating thing, Britt was WIDE OPEN the entire time. He ran a crossing route from the opposite side of the field and nobody covered him. Davis locked onto Austin and never looked Britt’s way. But even getting past that, he still could have completed the pass. Here’s the issue, he has to throw the ball now if he is going to throw the comeback route here. Austin is making his break and Bethea isn’t in position to undercut it. However, Davis holds the ball far too long, Bethea drops back to undercut the route and Davis throws it right to him.


    Davis’s second interception of the day. Kenny Britt is behind the defender. Davis actually does a great job of escaping the pressure on this play and extending the play. Unfortunately, he makes the right read but throws a duck. The ball comes up 5-7 yards short of Britt and ends up right in the DB’s hands. Britt scores easily if Davis gets the ball there on this pass.


    This is probably my most questionable play in that it’s a tad nitpicky. As you see here, Kenny Britt has gotten behind the CB and Davis actually has a nice pocket to work in. The safety is playing Britt so Davis is going to have to throw this ball towards the sideline or else there’s a risk that Bethea can make a play on it. Still, I think it’s a risk he should have taken. I wonder if the two earlier interceptions made him a bit gun shy. Instead, Davis tries to take off and runs himself into a sack(this was a 3rd down play)


    Here’s another third down play(3rd and 11) that did not get completed. Davis does a nice job of escaping the blitz which gets sealed inside by the OL. However, he’s completely indecisive once he gets out of the pocket. He has a choice here, he can either hit Britt down the field(Britt will work his way back to the ball) or he can drop it off short to Cook and see if Cook can pick up the first with YAC. I would have dropped it off to Cook because it’s a safer play and I think Cook can get to the first on this play. However, Davis inexplicably doesn’t pull the trigger on either one. Instead, he holds onto the ball until he is forced to throw it away.


    Here’s my final play and the Rams final offensive play of the game(not counting the kneel down). It’s 3rd down again. This time, the 49ers bring heavy blitz off the right side of the OL but they also fall for our play-action. Kendricks is left completely uncovered and the 49ers have nobody back to stop him from scoring. However, Davis panics when he sees the blitz and does the worst thing possible. He rolls right into the blitz. He has 3 blockers to pick up the 3 blitzers on that side of the OL. If he stays where he is, he has ample time to get the ball to Kendricks. Or if he’s worried, he can slide to his right and the OL will have enough blockers to account for the blitzers. I don’t know if he misread it or what but instead, he flushes out of the pocket to his right which is exactly where the blitzers are going. He is forced to throw it away.

    Don’t take this as meaning Davis didn’t do anything well in this game. He simply made a lot of mistakes. The 49ers defense made some huge mistakes in this game and Davis just didn’t capitalize on them well. I’m really concerned at his tendency to panic and flush when blitzed. The 49ers gave us multiple opportunities to punish them on blitzes and Davis just didn’t do an effective job of capitalizing.



    here’s a look at the rams td from last weekend…

    davis does a heckuva job keeping his composure and delivering a strike to britt on the crossing route as justin smith stunted through the middle virtually untouched. it was another one of those niners defensive plays, this time wilhoite crashed down on grob’s blindside in an effort to create a rush lane for smith. saffold followed wilhoite, looks like saffold may have even shoved wilhoite to the ground, leaving the middle wide open for smith to come barreling through, hard to tell if benny was supposed to hang back a bit and help out with pass pro, or a chip at least. speaking of benny, he was wide open as well. anyway, great pitch and catch for a score!



    here are a few highlights of grob’s play vs the niners, the guy is a beast!






    and here’s a look at a type of defensive play the niners love to run, crash down on an offensive lineman’s blindside in an effort to create a rush lane for a stunting defender. in this case justin smith, who is lined up on saffold’s inside shoulder, crashes down on grob’s blindside at the snap of the ball, while brooks stunts inside, who wells was ready to pick up:


    Eternal Ramnation

    Yup Davis panics but if you watch him being absolutely pummeled most of the season it’s easy to see why.The jump pass just has to stop. Coaching needs to get on that.On the long td to Quick against Dallas Davis throws a ball 50 yds. and hits Quick dead in stride and that’s while Quick is rapidly leaving a 4.4 cb.That is a NFL arm making a NFL throw


    I see the SF defense doing everything they can to attack Davis. In the process, they make themselves vulnerable. Some of their stuff works, but if Davis gets better, they can be exposed. imo


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