Ex-Infowars video editor fesses up

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    Sad thing is, Jones is still probably doing it. The rightist just don’t give a damn.

    nittany ram

    So, after realizing their libtard attempt to impeach our President is doomed to fail, it looks like Clinton and Soros are now going after Alex Jones.

    I wonder how much it cost to get that video editor to lie?


    Yeah, he’s a menace, etc. But I’m more interested in why so many Americans have lost faith in the corporate-MSM and turned to wackos like Alex. Similar to Trump.

    Many many people just dont trust the system anymore. (I’m one of them)
    A lot of those un-trusting-people have turned to wackos.

    I guess this is ‘part’ of it for some people:
    “…But it wasn’t the politics that initially drew me in. Jones had a way of imbuing the world with mystery, adding a layer of cinematic verisimilitude that caught my attention. Suddenly, I was no longer a bored kid attending an overpriced art school. I was Fox Mulder combing through the X-Files, Rod Serling opening a door to the Twilight Zone,..”

    Jones gives them ‘meaning’ somehow. Turns dull lives into a grand sci-fi-mystery-adventure. Or somethin. I dunno.

    Another way to look at it, iz, capitalism made a shitload of citizens really ignorant and the chickens are coming home to roost.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by wv.

    Yeah, he’s a menace, etc. But I’m more interested in why so many Americans have lost faith in the corporate-MSM and turned to wackos like Alex. Similar to Trump.

    Many many people just dont trust the system anymore. (I’m one of them)
    A lot of those un-trusting-people have turned to wackos.

    I guess this is ‘part’ of it for some people:
    “…But it wasn’t the politics that initially drew me in. Jones had a way of imbuing the world with mystery, adding a layer of cinematic verisimilitude that caught my attention. Suddenly, I was no longer a bored kid attending an overpriced art school. I was Fox Mulder combing through the X-Files, Rod Serling opening a door to the Twilight Zone,..”

    Jones gives them ‘meaning’ somehow. Turns dull lives into a grand sci-fi-mystery-adventure. Or somethin. I dunno.

    Another way to look at it, iz, capitalism made a shitload of citizens really ignorant and the chickens are coming home to roost.


    It’s a shame, however, that people aren’t connecting the dots. If they did, they’d never go from distrust of the (capitalist) system to trusting right-wing wackos, who absolutely love the capitalist system and associate it with God, Country, Freedom and Liberty. It makes zero sense.

    It’s like being pissed off at a rigged system — and it’s far more rigged than they’ll ever understand — and then placing their bet on a New York conman/charlatan/six-time bankrupt/billionaire, to “fix it.” And he told them upfront that he’d double and triple down on trickle down. That he’d slash taxes for rich people and corporate America, deregulate business even further, etc. etc.

    Capitalism is already naturally trickle down. If left to its own devices, it will trickle down just barely enough to keep workers alive. Just. Barely. So in no known universe can you “fix” a system that screws over the vast majority by actually enhancing its ability to screw over the vast majority. It’s like bleeding the dangerously anemic.

    The likely problem is this: They don’t believe “the system” is the capitalist system. They think “the system” is the government, and that it’s the only thing standing in the way of capitalism working like a charm for them. They need to realize that capitalism owns the government. It does what the capitalist system wants it to do, which is rig everything to benefit the capitalist class — which necessarily means screwing over the vast majority of us. As in, workers. By any means necessary.

    The World Bank, the WTO and the IMF are now even more important as guarantees of this than the CIA. I think the era of the coup is approaching its end, and it’s always been a clumsy affair with far too much “blowback” involved. It’s close to being unnecessary these days, thanks to the New World Order forged by the Trifecta. Though, as Jason Hickel shows in his book, the threat of Intel agencies and militaries around the world is still on the minds of would-be rebels worldwide.

    Thomas Sankara is a great example from the book:


    nittany ram

    Yeah, he’s a menace, etc. But I’m more interested in why so many Americans have lost faith in the corporate-MSM and turned to wackos like Alex. Similar to Trump.

    Many many people just dont trust the system anymore. (I’m one of them)
    A lot of those un-trusting-people have turned to wackos.

    I guess this is ‘part’ of it for some people:
    “…But it wasn’t the politics that initially drew me in. Jones had a way of imbuing the world with mystery, adding a layer of cinematic verisimilitude that caught my attention. Suddenly, I was no longer a bored kid attending an overpriced art school. I was Fox Mulder combing through the X-Files, Rod Serling opening a door to the Twilight Zone,..”

    Jones gives them ‘meaning’ somehow. Turns dull lives into a grand sci-fi-mystery-adventure. Or somethin. I dunno.

    Another way to look at it, iz, capitalism made a shitload of citizens really ignorant and the chickens are coming home to roost.


    The people who turn to Infowars and Breitbart for their news distrust the MSM for different reasons than you.

    They distrust the MSM because they believe it to be part of the liberal/socialist agenda.

    I don’t want to speak for you, but I believe you distrust the media because of its corporate association and it’s use to further the capitalist agenda.

    There’s a giant chasm between those two viewpoints.

    Infowars and Breitbart make up stories that cater to the prejudices of their followers. They try to inflame those prejudices. The MSM will sometimes flat out lie, but their failures more often relate to their stories lacking context and thoroughness. You only get part of the story, or you only get one perspective of the story – generally the perspective that favors the powers that be.

    But leftists have little in common with the people who turned to Infowars other than a mistrust of MSM.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by nittany ram.

    The people who turn to Infowars and Breitbart for their news distrust the MSM for different reasons than you.

    They distrust the MSM because they believe it to be part of the liberal/socialist agenda.

    I don’t want to speak for you, but I believe you distrust the media because of its corporate association and it’s use to further the capitalist agenda.

    There’s a giant chasm between those two viewpoints.

    Infowars and Breitbart make up stories that cater to the prejudices of their followers. They try to inflame those prejudices. The MSM will sometimes flat out lie, but their failures more often relate to their stories lacking context and thoroughness. You only get part of the story, or you only get one perspective of the story – generally the perspective that favors the powers that be.

    But leftists have little in common with the people who turned to Infowars other than a mistrust of MSM.

    Lotsa good points, Nittany.

    In general, the political right has a very long history of seriously paranoid media, think-tanks and so on. Their lies are, more often than not, acts of commission and relentless. IMO, the MSM fails primarily via omission. It narrow-casts, and tries hard to stay in the “center,” as its overlords view it, and as its reporters tend to fall into.

    This all too often means that the MSM will give equal time to fact-based and factless advocates of this or that issue. It shouldn’t. The earth isn’t flat. Advocates for that view shouldn’t be validated with MSM platforms, etc.

    Fans of Breitbart, Fox and so on see the MSM’s center-right POV as center-left to “far left.” I think this is primarily because the MSM tends not to validate the right’s view of itself as perpetually oppressed and persecuted. And the “itself” in question means white, male and Christian, overwhelmingly. There are a great number of small “c” conservative people of color who do not see themselves in the rantings of Breitbart, Infowars, et al.

    Among the powers that be who shape the right-wing mediaverse, I’d be very surprised if there are many true believers in the endless “outrages of the day.” They just know which buttons to push, and how to play the refs. Lacking actual reality to support them, they have to browbeat those refs into giving them close to equal time, and it’s been all too successful.

    The left has never been good at this. Right-wingers are masters — like Coach K, and Peyton Manning in his time.


    Also, the American right has a long, long history of extreme nativism and white supremacy . . . stoking the worst aspects of American culture in the process. The MSM, being corporate-owned, likely sees that as a huge loser for their bottom line. At least most of it. There are enough companies, unfortunately, willing to risk backlash by advertising on Fox News, for example, and they often get it. Boycotts, etc. Most of the rest of the right-wing mediaverse, however, has a different funding model:

    Direct support from right-wing billionaires . . . and now, mainstreaming via Trump, his family and his allies.

    So they either don’t have to worry about that backlash, or they don’t care, or they actually thrive on it and monetize it, etc. The backlash just becomes yet another “proof” of their eternal victimhood, and grist for the outrage machine.

    nittany ram


    This all too often means that the MSM will give equal time to fact-based and factless advocates of this or that issue. It shouldn’t. The earth isn’t flat. Advocates for that view shouldn’t be validated with MSM platforms, etc.

    This is what bothers me the most. The false equivalencies. The idea that there are always two equally valid sides to each story, taking what they are told at face value, lack of true investigation…


    It’s a shame, however, that people aren’t connecting the dots. If they did, they’d never go from distrust of the (capitalist) system to trusting right-wing wackos..


    Absolutely. Indeed.

    But thats the evil-beauty of the system. Citizens cant ‘connect the dots’ because they have been inundated, drenched, drowned in propaganda and lies from the day they were born until the day they die.

    Is there a God of Lies anywhere in mythology?
    Cuz that there God would be the God of the Corporotocracy.

    Anyway, Rotten-Alex is a symptom of a very rotten system. So’s Trump. So’s the MSM. So’s the Reps. So’s the Dems. I’ll shut up now 🙂



    The people who turn to Infowars and Breitbart for their news distrust the MSM for different reasons than you…


    Oh yeah. True.

    I wish they didnt trust Fox News. I wish the Dems didnt trust the Dem-MSM.
    I wish Imperialism, Climate Change, Health Care and Inequality mattered to Dems and Reps.

    I wish the Rams had a good Offensive Line. I wish Gurley had two good knees.


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