A part of Trump's base

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  • #107758

    Dana White is the CEO-Prez of the biggest Mixed Martial Arts Org in the country — the UFC.

    A LOT of The UFC folks, together with a lot of the WWE folks (pro wrastlin), luvs Trump.

    Part of the Heartland.

    I started this at the 6:51 mark:


    Polls – Trump vs Dems:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by wv.

    I watched the second video, but not the first one.

    Krystal Ball is often really good. And the clip from Sanders was perfect. Yep. That’s the way to talk about M4A. And I think they’re right about the problems with technocratic displays, rather than direct, easily-digested appeals.

    But they left out a key for me: I think the projection of certainty and confidence is perhaps more important than anything else to voters. It shouldn’t be. But I think it’s what Americans are most moved by. Trump is able to fake it to make it work. Apparent confidence and certainty is really the only way Republicans get elected, because their actual policy proposals suck far worse than the usual sucky Dem proposals. It’s really not close.

    Republicans also win on unity, on not backing down, on sticking to their guns, on lining up on the same page. Dems have a real problem with that, and voters can’t stand that . . . subconsciously and consciously.


    I’m mixing scenarios here in an impossible way, but hopefully it expresses what I mean:

    Trump: It’s a beautiful day today, the bluest skies ever, the best sunshine ever. It’s amazingly gorgeous!!

    Trump crowd: Gorgeous Day!! Gorgeous Day!! Gorgeous Day!!

    Reporters: But, Mr. President, the sky is dark gray and a major storm is predicted within the hour.

    Trump: Like I said, it’s a grayest day ever, and this is going to be the greatest storm we’ve ever seen.

    Trump crowd: Greatest storm!! Greatest storm!! Greatest storm!!

    . . .

    It’s all about the delivery, the way a politician delivers the message.


    I watched the second video, but not the first one..


    Well, i like the first Vid because it reflects the genuine-ness of the affection folks have for Trump. There’s almost a…reverence. At least in this particular bloc of Trump’s base.



    I watched the second video, but not the first one..


    Well, i like the first Vid because it reflects the genuine-ness of the affection folks have for Trump. There’s almost a…reverence. At least in this particular bloc of Trump’s base.


    Well, he was booed heavily at that event. So I don’t know what it tells us that some folks like him.

    Can you take a stab at it, WV? What do you think it is? Cuz, to me, it’s beyond baffling. I think any objective human being would have to look at Trump as a despicable person, and couldn’t admire him, much less have reverence toward him.

    Quickly, off the top of my head, he’s a serial liar, with roughly 14,000 of them to his name, just in his first 1000 days; an admitted sexual predator and peeping Tom — at Miss Teen pageants; a six-time bankrupt, bailed out repeatedly by his father and then Russian oligarchs; scammed millions of people on Trump U, his foundation, his steaks, and so on, and failed to pay umpteen contractors, lawyers, etc. etc. He and his family have cheated on their taxes for decades. And then you have his ripping babies out of the arms of their parents, his attacks on migrants, people of color around the world, Muslims . . . his rollback of environmental standards, endangering all of our lives . . . and his planet-killing lust for more and more fossil fuel extractions.

    Just for starters.

    I don’t get it. Do you? And I understand perfectly well the dislike for the Dems. I dislike them too. But Trump? They think Trump is the answer?


    Well, yeah, youre right, despite Dana Whites reverence, Donald was booed at the fight. I was thinking it was way more mixed, but yer right. Interesting.

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