Another reason Trump may win again

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    In a verbal war Trump has called Biden “a loser”. In response guess what Biden calls Trump? ” An existential threat”. This likely will raise the hair on James Carville’s head. . Do you really honestly believe that those who voted for Trump actually know what “an existential” threat is ? Worse: do they have any idea what “existential” means? There is a way to beat this guy but its not to speak over the heads of his voters.


    In a verbal war Trump has called Biden “a loser”. In response guess what Biden calls Trump? ” An existential threat”. This likely will raise the hair on James Carville’s head. . Do you really honestly believe that those who voted for Trump actually know what “an existential” threat is ? Worse: do they have any idea what “existential” means? There is a way to beat this guy but its not to speak over the heads of his voters.



    Jon Kerry, Dukakis, Al Gore, and on and on. Democrats.

    They are the “Ed Sullivans” of politics.

    If the dems had any balls, they’d all call Trump a Sleaze-bag, Lying, traitorous, aldultering, Billionaire, Buffoon.

    I’m serious.

    Just keep pounding away at the ‘sleaze’ factor.

    “Existential” ? Are you kidding me?



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by wv.

    Our brains have been taught to look for simplicity -not complexity. Look at successful movies and the most popular tv shows. Quick segments where there are more breaks between scenes than ever before. We want stuff given to us quickly and where we don’t have to-or need to-think about it. Steve Bannon recognized this in the American people and got the perfect candidate in Trump. When Michele Obama said “when they go low we go high” I cringed. As much as I love her that is the absolute wrong tactic. The message should be “we go lower”. This is no longer any JFK’s America where you can tell Americans to “ask not what your country and do for you but what you can do for your country”. We are no longer-if we ever were-a society that gives -we take ! It’s all about “me, me, me”. Trump is no dummy. He understands that very well.


    Our brains have been taught to look for simplicity -not complexity. Look at successful movies and the most popular tv shows. Quick segments where there are more breaks between scenes than ever before. We want stuff given to us quickly and where we don’t have to-or need to-think about it. Steve Bannon recognized this in the American people and got the perfect candidate in Trump. When Michele Obama said “when they go low we go high” I cringed. As much as I love her that is the absolute wrong tactic. The message should be “we go lower”. This is no longer any JFK’s America where you can tell Americans to “ask not what your country and do for you but what you can do for your country”. We are no longer-if we ever were-a society that gives -we take ! It’s all about “me, me, me”. Trump is no dummy. He understands that very well.


    We’ve been talking about this, at least since Dukakis. So, yeah the Reps are WAAAY better at plugging in to emotion than the Dems. In General, anyway. Obama was a special case, blah blah blah.

    But the question always remains — WHY are the Dem candidates (in general) so boring ?




    I don’t think they ALL are boring. I don’t Sanders is boring. His message is because its always the same. I don’t think Warren is boring. With the exception of Trump I think all the Republican candidates in 2016 WERE boring. So it goes.


    I would characterize Trump as a buffoonish Reality TV star. Again and again and again. That’s easy because that is what he actually is. It trivializes him, and emphasizes his incapacity for the job.

    I don’t think any leading Democrat will do that, though.

    Why AREN’T there any Democrat strategists that have balls? Carville was the only one. The Reps have had a continuous stream of them.


    The Democrats need to get back to the Bobby Kennedy bare-fisted take no prisoners party to get back into the Presidency. The Freedom Caucus understands this all too well. As the saying goes: fight fire with fire. IMO the last democratic candidate who had the balls for an alley fight was Hillary and she listened too much to all her advisers instead to going with her gut All the rest are softies. Maybe not Warren. I thought Bloomberg was tough enough to take on Trump but he opted out. I guess we won’t know until the battle begins.


    I would characterize Trump as a buffoonish Reality TV star. Again and again and again. That’s easy because that is what he actually is. It trivializes him, and emphasizes his incapacity for the job.

    I don’t think any leading Democrat will do that, though.

    Why AREN’T there any Democrat strategists that have balls? Carville was the only one. The Reps have had a continuous stream of them.

    Trump and most other GOPers are polished salesmen… dems don’t know how to sell.

    Trump can sell you a shitty cheap cut of meat… a flat iron cut or chuck eye steak, because he sells the “sizzle” of a grilled steak, not the raw piece of cheap bloody meat in the butcher shop.

    Dems will try to sell you a high end of Kobe steak that is uncooked hanging from the butcher’s market that is unappealing that’s not ready to eat…. they need to learn how to “sell”.

    in addition, it’s more than just than just diction like “existential” it’s words like “misogamist” and “narcissism”… people don’t know what those words even mean ….

    as mentioned in this thread, Dems need to simplify the message and do a better job of selling while shitting on Trump… “he’s a sleaze ball cheater who sucks at running any complex business.. give examples of losing money in the casino business, in the airline business, in the USFL…

    Casino’s don’t lose money.

    People wanted spring time football, and this asshole tried to compete with the NFL in the fall and blew up the USFL

    Trump airlines crashed and burned . etc….

    Trump is putting people in position that is fucking up your life!

    When the GOP had their primary debates, Trump kicked ass on all his opponents… he not only knocked Carly Fiorna’s looks, but he made simple examples of how she tanked HP into the ground with stupid business decisions.

    He too sucks at leading businesses.


    Ahhh, but he is going to point to the economy and say, “It’s never been better; it’s all because of me.” and that goes a long, long way with his base.
    I think he is going to win again, gods help us all…


    Ahhh, but he is going to point to the economy and say, “It’s never been better; it’s all because of me.” and that goes a long, long way with his base.
    I think he is going to win again, gods help us all…

    he’s the Barry Switzer of presidents…. Switzer inherited and reaped a sustainable team that Jimmy Johnson built.

    Trump inherited an upward economy…. in Switzer’s 4th season in Dallas, the Cowboys and Switzer became nobodies…. same is gonna happen to our Bozo president and us…….


    Switzer couldn’t beat the scoreboard. Trump’s base does not even look at the scoreboard and will be convinced that the economy dump is either their own fault or (more likely) they are doing just fine. Bottom line is it’s the people -not Trump-who have no ability for any type of critical analysis. No one wants to take the time. And in that light I’m speaking of just enough of them in the right states to repeat 2016.


    Switzer couldn’t beat the scoreboard. Trump’s base does not even look at the scoreboard and will be convinced that the economy dump is either their own fault or (more likely) they are doing just fine. Bottom line is it’s the people -not Trump-who have no ability for any type of critical analysis. No one wants to take the time. And in that light I’m speaking of just enough of them in the right states to repeat 2016.

    Well, as always, it will come down to a few crucial states.


    Trump is gonna lose IF the Dems pick a good candidate. Clinton lost because she had too much baggage–the FBI investigation of her emails, her position on gay marriage, and her position on the 2003 Iraq War just off the top of my head were all signs of weaknesses for different types of voters.

    I think the Dems only need like 3 key states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, or Pennsylvania to beat Trump. And in a number of those states Obama got more votes in 2012 than Trump did in 2016. It’s not the racist, bat-shit crazy Trump base that will decide the election. Good ideas and a plan to change Washington will go a long way to winning the election in the crucial states.

    Trump, as awful and annoying as he is, had strong themes that resonate with the middle of the road voters in 2016–drain the swamp, fix immigration, return manufacturing jobs to America, cut taxes for people.

    Biden, of course, looks a lot like Hillary. And as far as I can tell, no Dems have the balls to brand Trump as a con artist who has spent his life chasing porn stars.


    I agree that Biden looks a lot like Hillary. The difference is that the right wing has not created a Pavlovian kneejerk response to him over 20 years like they did to Hillary. Nobody hates Biden.



    A new poll from President Donald Trump’s favorite TV network did not bode well for the commander-in-chief’s goal of being elected for a second term. According to Fox News, the president is currently lagging behind as many as five of the Democratic candidates for the 2020 presidential election.

    The latest poll, conducted between June 9 and June 12, found Democratic frontrunners — former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders — each garnering 49 percent of the vote in a hypothetical head-to-head against the president.

    Biden fared slightly better against Trump, beating the incumbent by ten percentage points, while Sanders had a slightly smaller gap of nine points over the president.

    The remaining three Democrats who could possibly unseat Trump were Senators Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, and Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

    Warren, who was the first of the Democratic hopefuls to publicly call for Trump to be impeached holds the slight edge in this trio, beating the president by 43 percent to 41 percent. Harris — who has also since called for Trump’s ouster — and Buttigieg each came out on top against the president, but only by a single percentage point.

    It is worth noting that all three of the results for these candidates were within the three percentage point margin of error for the poll, so one could arguably view them as being in a dead heat with the president. The Biden and Sanders results, however, were far outside of that margin.

    Frequent Trump critic George Conway, attorney and husband of White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway, used the Fox News poll results to mock the president on Sunday morning.

    Appearing to adopt the president’s Twitter traits of using lots of exclamation points and the caps lock button, Conway sarcastically tweeted about the poll: “Outrageous! The Lying and Corrupt News Media is at it again! FAKE NEWS even from FOX NEWS!”


    Well the polls also showed Hillary solidly beating Trump too. Here’s the only sure way to beat Trump:

    Walk into any bar and find any dumb sh–who thinks he knows all about every issue on the planet. Pick him to run against Trump. Pick someone
    like Warren, Sanders, Biden, as his running mate. The dumb sh–will out dumb sh–Trump and win the election. The day after
    inauguration dumb sh–resigns and the VP becomes President. Given the general public’s preference for dumb sh–s this will be the ONLY way to
    insure Trump’s defeat.

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