Anybody watching Game of Thones?

Recent Forum Topics Forums The Public House Anybody watching Game of Thones?

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    I haven’t started yet. It’s being Tivoed. I think I will keep that up for a bit and then maybe binge watch it in a few weeks.


    Word is, last night’s episode was a good one.

    I am lining them up for later.


    I am. Liking it. Helped to rewatch all of last season before this one started.

    Reminded me how good it is, from the standpoint of production values, writing, acting, drama. Seriously compelling. For TV, it’s top of the heap, IMO. Many scenes rate that for “film” too.

    Trying to avoid spoilers, but, suffice it to say, next week (episode three) is gonna be the Biggie.

    nittany ram

    Word is, last night’s episode was a good one.

    I am lining them up for later.

    Both the 1st and 2nd episode of the season were good.

    But I have a feeling they were just the deep breath before the plunge, with episode 3 being the plunge.


    Possible spoiler here, but I don’t think it really “spoils” anything in the grand scheme, etc. etc.






    I really liked seeing Jaime “knight” Brienne of Tarth, and perhaps her first true smile as a result. Much deserved and well played.


    I think The Wildling, who was breast fed by a “giant”, wants to breed with Jaime the Knight…..

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by joemad.

    I think The Wildling, who was breast fed by a “giant”, wants to breed with Jaime the Knight…..

    You mean, with Brienne the knight. Right?


    Yes, Brienne the newly knighted KNIGHT!!! Knighted by Jaime the sister fucker… my bad. These mid evil characters confuse me. I only remember everyone’s favorite character…. Tyrian’s name.

    BTW Have any of you guys watched “Billions”?


    BTW Have any of you guys watched “Billions”?

    Yeah, that is one of my favorites. Spoiler Alert. Highlight the text to read it.

    Billions Recap: Side Mission
    By Sarene Leeds
    Maximum Recreational Depth
    Season 4 Episode 6
    Editor’s Rating 4 stars *****
    «Previous Next
    Photo: Jeff Neumann/Showtime
    Well played, Billions. I bow down to your expert manipulation tactics and admit to being completely suckered into that red herring of a friendship between Taylor and Wendy.
    Tonight’s episode has reopened the discussion of whether Wendy is the most nefarious character on the show, and as of this moment, all signs point to yes. She possesses weapons that are far more destructive than Axe’s arsenal of money-draining methods or Chuck’s talent for trading favors. As a psychiatrist, Wendy knows how to earn Taylor’s trust by getting into their head and using all of their weak spots to her advantage.
    Does Wendy connect with Taylor because she really does need someone to talk to in light of Chuck’s betrayal? It’s possible, and I’m not ruling it out entirely, because that kind of realism would make it easier for Taylor to open up to her. But having someone to vent to about Chuck is just a bonus toward Wendy’s actual objective, which is getting the goods on Taylor’s new project with their father.
    This “side mission” is such a cloak-and-dagger operation that even Axe is oblivious to its true purpose; he knows through his fixer, Hall (Terry Kinney), that Wendy and Taylor are having ice-cream and architectural-history meetups, but wisely reserves judgment until Wendy drops her bombshell at the end of the episode.
    While I reluctantly circled this subplot the way Wendy and Taylor do each other during their initial rendezvous, once all the pieces came together, I found myself placing Operation Taylor Mason Friendship Goals in the Billions Subterfuge Top Five. Wendy knows that the best way to win people over is to let them come to you without pressure but with a welcome invitation. At their first meeting, she asks Taylor only to listen, while slyly making it known that she’d be amenable to hearing whatever Taylor has to say as well. By their second get-together at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park, Taylor is making not-so-veiled remarks about a child wanting to bring their father’s genius to the forefront.
    Next comes a consult of her old Taylor case notes — where there’s a lot about their damaged relationship with Douglas — followed by a “spontaneous” run-in with Mafee, who spills that a “start-up” is investing in the Mason family aerospace business. (Boy, did that crush come in handy!) Wendy then strolls into Axe’s office, not so much to disclose what she got out of Mafee (although it’s pivotal to the next stage of Axe’s plan), but to reveal the intentions behind her friendship with Taylor — and the depths of her villainous nature.
    As opposed to having Hall and his minions destroy Douglas’s invention, Wendy says, “Taylor needs to be the one to crush it. That will be the most devastating blow,” punctuating her strategy with a long swig of Michter’s. She knows that kind of betrayal between a father and child is something neither Taylor nor Douglas will ever be able to get over.
    What Wendy doesn’t know is how on the mark she is with this idea. “Maximum Recreational Depth” validated my reasons for being only “cautiously optimistic” toward Taylor and Douglas’s partnership a couple of weeks back, because there was a big part of Douglas’s story that had been missing up until now. Taylor astutely had a background check performed on their father, only to learn that Douglas wasn’t screwed over by his former employer but instead fired for numerous company violations.
    Given how difficult and demanding a partner Douglas is proving to be, it looks like his erstwhile bosses were justified in their decision. He insists that Taylor solely fund each stage of his work, and piles on the guilt when they dare to consider alternate options. Eventually, he begrudgingly agrees to an outside investor — as well as the hard truth that he’s no longer the smartest person in the room whenever Taylor is around — but between his pigheaded attitude and duplicitous employment history, I have a bad feeling Taylor is walking right into the trap Wendy is setting for them.
    I’m somehow keeping a soft spot for Wendy, though, because beneath her Evil Queen exterior, she is still suffering from her hot mess of a marriage. Chuck remains banished from the master bedroom, but the bigger issue here is that husband and wife are headed down two explicitly different sexual paths. We know from earlier in the season that Wendy’s interest in BDSM had begun to wane. However, as we also know, Chuck “can’t live without” it. But without Wendy as his domme, he’s been going to some pretty dark places, like putting a safety pin through his nipple and hiring a professional dominatrix who leaves him with a scarred chest and a black eye.
    Things aren’t much better for Chuck’s professional life, either, as his episode-long grand plan to outwit Jock Jeffcoat and Bryan Connerty via his quid pro quo relationship with Judge Adam DeGiulio (Rob Morrow) blew up in his face — though he doesn’t know it yet. What Chuck failed to remember is that Bryan worked under him for years, studying all of his crooked maneuvers closely. (He’s also picked up more than a few of Chuck’s pompous bad habits, highlighted by Kate Sacker’s well-timed eyerolls.) So as soon as Bryan and Jock start bickering with each other, the U.S. Attorney realizes that’s what Chuck wanted all along. The two then regroup by vowing to work together to unseat their common enemy.
    Bryan approaches Judge Leonard Funt (Harris Yulin), whom you may recall isn’t a fan of Chuck Rhoades Jr.: Last season, Chuck called in an old favor to have the hard-line Funt removed (and, shocker, replaced with DeGiulio) from the Ice Juice case. Once Bryan presents Funt with video evidence of Chuck and DeGiulio colluding at Economy Candy, the judge signs off on his request for a wiretap on the New York State attorney general, citing public corruption.
    It’s never enough to have only one judge in your pocket, Chucky.




    Chris Long@JOEL9ONE
    I know there’s a lot of talk about the dead not being able to swim. They’re also dead, so they can’t drown. Maybe the Night King tows them all like kids in an inner tube behind Viserion. Couple shuttles back and forth.



    ZN, I think Chris Long would make a good Wildling character….

    Agamemnon…. thank you for the Vulture link. Great site…

    BTW, I had forgotten that Paul Giamatti’s father was Bart Giamatti (former MLB commissioner)… thus the many baseball references in the show Billions

    Paul Giamatti…..what a great actor…. from Pig Vomit, to John Adams, to Ben Bernanke to Ice Cube’s manager in Straight Outta Compton…. even in small roles…..I remember him in Donnie Brasco as the FBI agent…the “fuggetabbouit” scene with Johnny Depp……… he even made Miles likeable in a highly overrated movie like Sideways… I think that movie sucks, but I like Miles…..

    PA Ram

    I can’t wait for the next episode. I shouldn’t do it but I do read fan theories and while some are wild or make no sense, others knock it out of the park. I think one I read nails something about the next episode and I can’t wait for it. I actually didn’t catch it but the hints are right in your face in episode 2. The other theory is interesting and makes sense but we will see. It involves Jamie.

    So in any case I want to see if these happen. I have no doubt the first one will. Not sure about the second.

    And of course none of what I’m saying makes sense without me dropping possible spoilers, and I won’t do that.😎

    "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away. " Philip K. Dick


    I can’t wait for the next episode. I shouldn’t do it but I do read fan theories and while some are wild or make no sense, others knock it out of the park. I think one I read nails something about the next episode and I can’t wait for it. I actually didn’t catch it but the hints are right in your face in episode 2. The other theory is interesting and makes sense but we will see. It involves Jamie.

    So in any case I want to see if these happen. I have no doubt the first one will. Not sure about the second.

    And of course none of what I’m saying makes sense without me dropping possible spoilers, and I won’t do that.

    I am not a big “no spoilers” kinda guy, so, even though I haven’t seen it, I don’t mind “revelations.” So don’t hesitate about being specific about whatever it is you think will happen. It’s fine. Everyone, feel free to discuss all this openly. I would prefer that in fact.

    If someone DOES avoid spoilers, I will put a “warning, spoilers” message in the subject title, and individual posters can choose to read or not.

    Or what some posters do is white-out the spoilers by putting this around it: [ color =white] [ /color]. (I deliberately left gaps there so the code don’t work.) Then you have to use the cursor to blue it out if you want to read it.

    Like this:

    See, hidden.

    nittany ram

    I have a friend who has a couple interesting ideas about The GOT.

    He thinks Tyrian Lannister is a Targaryen. To support this he points to rumors that the Mad King has a crush on Tyrian’s mother. And the dragons allowed the Imp to unshackle them.

    When the Mad King finally went mad shouting, “Burn them all!” that’s because Bran was manipulating his mind from the future, just as he did with Hodor. He thinks it’s a message to Cerci to entice the army of the dead into King’s Landing and then blow it up with the wild fire stored under the city.

    Speaking of Hodor; something to ponder…

    We never actually saw him die.

    Meaningless? Perhaps.

    Or perhaps it’s the key to the ENTIRE FUCKING SERIES!

    nittany ram


    Well, episode three was both awesome and had a huge unexpected ending.

    My only major complaint is with the ridiculous strategy of sending the Dothraki to charge the Dead alone while two dragons sat around watching.

    Like they were the Irish at Fredericksburg.

    However, it was dramatic watching the fires from the Dothraki swords being extinguished in the distance.

    Who woulda thunk the Night King would have been defeated with three episodes to go?

    Well, onto to King’s Landing. Of course, John and Dani don’t have an army anymore….


    Obviously, spoilers. But a suggestion first, for anyone who will watch the episode soon:

    Tweak your TV settings before hand to deal with the dark. Most of the episode is, IMO, waaay too dark, and all of my pre-show tweaking failed to really make it visible enough. Hopefully, you’ll have better luck.








    However, it was dramatic watching the fires from the Dothraki swords being extinguished in the distance.

    Who woulda thunk the Night King would have been defeated with three episodes to go?

    Well, onto to King’s Landing. Of course, John and Dani don’t have an army anymore….

    Yeah, as soon as it was announced that Episode Three was the Big Battle with the White Walkers, it was pretty clear that the living would defeat the dead. It was just a matter of who survived. It might have made more dramatic sense to do what they’ve done in past seasons, and make this the penultimate episode.

    That said, I liked what I could see, but, as mentioned above, I couldn’t see much. Which, at least from an artistic standpoint, means I can’t give the episode even a passing grade. The absence of enough light to make out most of the action all but ruined it for me.

    Loved who they chose to give the death blow to the Night King — it wasn’t expected, at least by me. Loved the short scene between Sansa and Tyrion in the crypt, and there was pathos there when Jorah died, held by Dany, protected soon enough by one of the dragons.

    Agreed, Nittany: How are they going to fight Cersei now? They lost nearly all of their fighters. Again, the darkness made this more than confusing, but it looked like all the Dothraki were wiped out, as well as the Unsullied.

    nittany ram

    Obviously, spoilers. But a suggestion first, for anyone who will watch the episode soon:

    Tweak your TV settings before hand to deal with the dark. Most of the episode is, IMO, waaay too dark, and all of my pre-show tweaking failed to really make it visible enough. Hopefully, you’ll have better luck.








    However, it was dramatic watching the fires from the Dothraki swords being extinguished in the distance.

    Who woulda thunk the Night King would have been defeated with three episodes to go?

    Well, onto to King’s Landing. Of course, John and Dani don’t have an army anymore….

    Yeah, as soon as it was announced that Episode Three was the Big Battle with the White Walkers, it was pretty clear that the living would defeat the dead. It was just a matter of who survived. It might have made more dramatic sense to do what they’ve done in past seasons, and make this the penultimate episode.

    That said, I liked what I could see, but, as mentioned above, I couldn’t see much. Which, at least from an artistic standpoint, means I can’t give the episode even a passing grade. The absence of enough light to make out most of the action all but ruined it for me.

    Loved who they chose to give the death blow to the Night King — it wasn’t expected, at least by me. Loved the short scene between Sansa and Tyrion in the crypt, and there was pathos there when Jorah died, held by Dany, protected soon enough by one of the dragons.

    Agreed, Nittany: How are they going to fight Cersei now? They lost nearly all of their fighters. Again, the darkness made this more than confusing, but it looked like all the Dothraki were wiped out, as well as the Unsullied.

    We struggled with the darkness too. It got better after we turned off every light in and around our living room, but it was still difficult.

    The darkness also made the scene where John’s dragon is battling the Night King’s dragon difficult to follow, and the choreography was poor we thought.


    One of their few episodes that I probably won’t watch again. I hate that when a film gets too dark. But, I just got tired of all the action scenes, after so much, I just want to fast forward to get to some good story telling. The greatest action scene in the history of film, almost turned me off. I thought way they killed the Night King was weak.



    I managed to see the first two episodes. Dunno when I’ll see the rest.

    I thought the first episode was excellent. The second, was just ‘ok.’ I tried to think of why i didnt like it as much and it struck me that the reason was — cause I’ve seen all that before. I’ve seen it a gazillion times.

    Spoiler — episode two was all about ‘the night before the battle’. Some folks get drunk, some get laid, etc etc. Seen it all before a million times. Saw it in 13th Warrior, for example.




    Waaay off topic:

    Did you catch my review of the new book, This Life, by Martin Hagglund? I think all the leftists here would love it, but it’s especially right up your alley, I’m betting.

    IMO, it’s immensely important philosophy, and he makes a provocative case for democratic socialism along the way. Builds up to it. Takes us on a journey, etc. by critiquing both religion and capitalism.

    It’s not as exciting as Game of Thrones, and there aren’t any dragons or zombies in it, at least that I remember, but it’s damn good all the same.

    nittany ram

    I managed to see the first two episodes. Dunno when I’ll see the rest.

    I thought the first episode was excellent. The second, was just ‘ok.’ I tried to think of why i didnt like it as much and it struck me that the reason was — cause I’ve seen all that before. I’ve seen it a gazillion times.

    Spoiler — episode two was all about ‘the night before the battle’. Some folks get drunk, some get laid, etc etc. Seen it all before a million times. Saw it in 13th Warrior, for example.


    Well, I certainly agree that Ep 1 was better than Ep 2.

    But I really liked the scene where everyone was sitting around the fire, getting drunk, and telling stories. I found that to be very relatable. That’s how I spent my entire 20’s and early 30’s. 😉



    Waaay off topic:

    Did you catch my review of the new book, This Life, by Martin Hagglund? I think all the leftists here would love it, but it’s especially right up your alley, I’m betting.

    IMO, it’s immensely important philosophy, and he makes a provocative case for democratic socialism along the way. Builds up to it. Takes us on a journey, etc. by critiquing both religion and capitalism.

    It’s not as exciting as Game of Thrones, and there aren’t any dragons or zombies in it, at least that I remember, but it’s damn good all the same.

    You wasn’t talkin to me, but let me sneak in a response. As it happens late April in my world gets crowded with Many Things, and the decision I always make to pay attention to the draft crowds it even more. So speaking for myself, I have been neglectful of other Many Things, reading a wide range of posts being one of them. I know that topic was important to you but it’ll be a week at least till I am free enough to be a good board buddy and give it a read.

    Plus, I’m missing Game of Thrones.

    That’s how out of balance life is around here.

    But soon.



    Waaay off topic:

    Did you catch my review of the new book, This Life, by Martin Hagglund? I think all the leftists here would love it, but it’s especially right up your alley, I’m betting.

    IMO, it’s immensely important philosophy, and he makes a provocative case for democratic socialism along the way. Builds up to it. Takes us on a journey, etc. by critiquing both religion and capitalism.

    It’s not as exciting as Game of Thrones, and there aren’t any dragons or zombies in it, at least that I remember, but it’s damn good all the same.

    You wasn’t talkin to me, but let me sneak in a response. As it happens late April in my world gets crowded with Many Things, and the decision I always make to pay attention to the draft crowds it even more. So speaking for myself, I have been neglectful of other Many Things, reading a wide range of posts being one of them. I know that topic was important to you but it’ll be a week at least till I am free enough to be a good board buddy and give it a read.

    Plus, I’m missing Game of Thrones.

    That’s how out of balance life is around here.

    But soon.

    Looking forward to your response, ZN.


    Btw, another off topic. I don’t want to go over to the Avengers thread, for fear of spoilers. But I have a question.

    Is there a time during this THREE HOUR MOVIE for an old fogey with old fogey issues to go to the restroom?


    Appreciate in advance a non-spoiler suggestion.


    Rocket and Thor go to Asgard. Skippable. I took time out to see that too and shouldn’t have. But my daughter and I have a standing deal to see the MCU films every opening night.


    Rocket and Thor go to Asgard. Skippable. I took time out to see that too and shouldn’t have. But my daughter and I have a standing deal to see the MCU films every opening night.

    Thanks again.

    Nice tradition to have with your daughter.

    I want to see it as soon as possible, but know I won’t make it through the full three hours. I can always see it again, later, via DVD or streaming (to catch the skipped part) . . .

    Hope all is well.

    nittany ram



    Waaay off topic:

    Did you catch my review of the new book, This Life, by Martin Hagglund? I think all the leftists here would love it, but it’s especially right up your alley, I’m betting.

    IMO, it’s immensely important philosophy, and he makes a provocative case for democratic socialism along the way. Builds up to it. Takes us on a journey, etc. by critiquing both religion and capitalism.

    It’s not as exciting as Game of Thrones, and there aren’t any dragons or zombies in it, at least that I remember, but it’s damn good all the same.


    I bought Overstory because you recommended it 🙂 Yeah, This Life looks good.




    Waaay off topic:

    Did you catch my review of the new book, This Life, by Martin Hagglund? I think all the leftists here would love it, but it’s especially right up your alley, I’m betting.

    IMO, it’s immensely important philosophy, and he makes a provocative case for democratic socialism along the way. Builds up to it. Takes us on a journey, etc. by critiquing both religion and capitalism.

    It’s not as exciting as Game of Thrones, and there aren’t any dragons or zombies in it, at least that I remember, but it’s damn good all the same.


    I bought Overstory because you recommended it Yeah, This Life looks good.


    Glad to hear that, WV. I hope you get the chance to post about it here. Would greatly enjoy reading your take.

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