wv’s pandemic ram-vision in krogers

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    So, i was, masked, in the big-box-grocery-store, pushing my clanky cart, looking for my corporate-food. Clanking along in the corporate-soup-aisle, searching for progresso-lentil-soup.
    (I add corporate-black-bean-spicy-hummus, and corporate-hot-sauce to it)

    Turning the corner, I see a Vision. Plain-as-day, in a blinding-bright, blue-and-yellow jersey. A tall young man, wearing a big jersey — no.99.

    Astonishment. Breathtaking.

    It was like….that moment in ‘The Natural’ when Robert Redford looks into the stands and sees the shining-light-woman. Except this was in the corporate-box-store, in the corporate-soup-aisle.

    I mean, this never happens in Motown, WV. This…never….happens. A human in a fucking Rams Jersey.

    So, i practically levitated. I cried out, “Aaron Donald! He’s my man! Yes!”
    (I dont even know what that means. It just erupted out of me.)

    And this ram-vision smiled at me (like Jesus) and said, “Yeah, man.”

    So much more to say, of course — I closed this distance toward him — and then I saw. The mother-fucker had no mask. NO mask.

    So, i turned and wheeled away.

    A pandemic ram-vision. What to make of it all. I dont know.



    So, i was, masked, in the big-box-grocery-store, pushing my clanky cart, looking for my corporate-food. Clanking along in the corporate-soup-aisle, searching for progresso-lentil-soup.
    (I add corporate-black-bean-spicy-hummus, and corporate-hot-sauce to it)

    Turning the corner, I see a Vision. Plain-as-day, in a blinding-bright, blue-and-yellow jersey. A tall young man, wearing a big jersey — no.99.

    Astonishment. Breathtaking.

    It was like….that moment in ‘The Natural’ when Robert Redford looks into the stands and sees the shining-light-woman. Except this was in the corporate-box-store, in the corporate-soup-aisle.

    I mean, this never happens in Motown, WV. This…never….happens. A human in a fucking Rams Jersey.

    So, i practically levitated. I cried out, “Aaron Donald! He’s my man! Yes!”
    (I dont even know what that means. It just erupted out of me.)

    And this ram-vision smiled at me (like Jesus) and said, “Yeah, man.”

    So much more to say, of course — I closed this distance toward him — and then I saw. The mother-fucker had no mask. NO mask.

    So, i turned and wheeled away.

    A pandemic ram-vision. What to make of it all. I dont know.



    You got too close to Glenn Close.

    As your neighbor to the east, I’ve run into the maskless all too often. For a bit there, I often made the mistake of getting mad and telling them to put on their freakin masks, and why. Luckily, no fisticuffs ensued. But after my many recent eye surgeries, and reading so many stories of these things escalating into shootings (and murder), I thought it best to try a different approach. Speed up my hunter-gathering efforts in said stores and exit quickly stage left.

    But it still pisses me off. All the science (and common sense) tells us that if America had bought into wearing masks, the official count of deaths (165K or so) would have been a tiny fraction of what it is today. It would have been more in line with South Korea’s (300?), if not New Zealand’s (22).

    Which kinda sorta forms a bridge to your comments and quotes in the other thread. As Sartre said, Hell is other people.

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