Goff Day: How the Bears defense baited Jared Goff into his worst game ever

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    That’s hyperbolic bs IMO.

    Of course playcalling was a factor. That’s not a lie.

    And this guy does not know how to account for OL breakdowns.

    I had to stop watching it.


    Well I relented and gave it a watch anyway and I take back what I said.

    That was an excellent vid. The focus is on Goff making poor decisions when plays were there. It holds up, good analysis.


    The focus is on Goff making poor decisions when plays were there. It holds up, good analysis.

    And then on the other hand…here’s a dissenting view.


    seems strange that mcvay could watch what chicago was doing and not tell goff to go underneath

    and even stranger that mcvay would tell goff to go underneath only to have goff defy him because he was out to prove something, that he could push it downfield against the bears, which is what the breakdown suggests again and again.

    if you watch the 22 the underneath pass just wasn’t part of the rams game plan, and the 22 paints a completely different story than what brett portrayed in the handful of examples he included.

    what story does the 22 paint

    the rams doing what they always do, running pass plays designed to push the ball downfield, close to or beyond the sticks, i.e. deep crossing / out routes, a lot of routes that take time to develop, not a lot of shallow underneath routes or slants, gurley in pass pro a lot, and chipping, as opposed to always cleanly slipping thru and being available for check downs.

    the other thing it showed was that rams’ favorite formations from the 11, i.e. bunched and/or stacked wr inside the numbers, seemed to play into the bears hands, it didn’t spread out bears defenders, and enabled them to crowd the box on rushing plays and easily and quickly send a db or edge guy to the qb.




    as bad as the chicago game was, i think tonight’s game was his worst of the season… altho he was under constant pressure tonight as well, there were times where he had at least some time to throw and flat out missed open guys… on the rams third to last drive he missed reynolds and gurley for sure tds and the rams had to settle for 3, on the pick he threw behind reynolds on a pass he’s made a gazillion times before, a pass that was there for the making if he had thrown a good ball, and on a 3rd down crossing route he led an open woods too far (did the same thing in the chicago game)…. to me his passes seem to be coming out late, as a result of what looks like tentativeness on his part, and on the drive to close out the half it seemed to be on full display as he threw 3 passes away rather than risk the rams not coming away with at least 3 points.

    defenses challenging the rams to run the ball as well as giving up the underneath pass in exchange for not getting beat deep seems to have completely befuddled mcvay, making matters even worse is the pressure defenses have been able to get with just 4 guys on the dl…. collinsworth mentioned that there’s nothing for the rams deep against these looks, and if the rams want anything more than short underneath passes they need to drop the ball behind the lb’s, but that goff just isn’t getting enough time to make these intermediate throws.

    anyway, very disappointing…. needless to say mcvay will be practicing against these looks during the week, and watching a ton of film, hopefully he can figure something out.


    on the rams third to last drive he missed reynolds and gurley for sure tds and the rams had to settle for 3, on the pick he threw behind reynolds on a pass he’s made a gazillion times before, a pass that was there for the making if he had thrown a good ball, and on a 3rd down crossing route he led an open woods too far (did the same thing in the chicago game)

    yes, Goff looked a bit gun shy last night….. where before he seemed to be a bit more confident in slinging the ball into tight windows….a bit more cautions and when he’s not, he’s extremly wreckless… “the Garo Y. pass”, holy shit… not a good move…it almost cost Shula his undefeated season and it might have cost the Rams a home playoff game for the NFC Championship.

    Goff has the skill… he just needs his confidence back….

    BTW I was a bit surprised from the lack of urgency on game clock time management… even before the valiant final drive…. Rams overall offense needs to respect the game clock a little better…..

    I still love this team… one of my favorite Rams teams in a very long time…..


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